Train as if Every Man is Your Enemy, but Live as if Every Man is Your Friend ~ Bohdi Sanders
Train as if every man is your enemy, but live as if every man is your friend. Florendo Visitacion In the world we live in, [...]
The Covert Action Self-Defense – Bohdi Sanders
Sometimes it is better to wait, to undermine your enemies covertly, rather than hitting them straight on. Robert Greene A lot of people believe that [...]
Why I Train in Martial Arts – Bohdi Sanders
Why I do Martial Arts I don't train for certificates, ranks or trophies; I train for that day when my training will save my life [...]
First Strike in Karate is Pure Self-Defense – Bohdi Sanders
Never the first attack, but always the first strike! Mudit Srivastava Master Gichin Funakoshi stated that,“There is no first attack in Karate.” Many people don't [...]
When the Prey is Armed -Predators Think Twice – Bohdi Sanders
This post has nothing to do with the school shooting in Florida, but in a roundabout way, it is associated to that tragedy. It has [...]
Take Control of Your Life – Respond, don’t React! – Bohdi Sanders
Take Control of Your Life - Respond, don't React! Bohdi Sanders Have you ever heard someone say, "It's not my fault! He made me do [...]
A Wise Man Knows When to be Silent – Bohdi Sanders
A wise man knows when to be silent, and just as important, when to take action. Bohdi Sanders I am sure that you have heard [...]
Conjure the Power of the Dragon! – Bohdi Sanders
CONJURE the POWER! One of the benefits of true martial arts is being able to "conjure the power" when you need it. When I say [...]
How to See What You Want To See on Your Facebook News Feed
How to See What You Want To See on Your Facebook News Feed It is getting harder and harder to see what you want to [...]