The Walking Dead
The Walking Dead Idle men are dead all their life long. Thomas Fuller Living is my life. I'm not talking about the staying alive, but [...]
Is Chivalry Dead?
Is Chivalry Dead? To protect the weak and defenseless The Chivalric Code of Charlemagne To those who have been given much, much is required. Warriors [...]
Shadows, Echoes & Ripples of Life
Shadows, Echoes & Ripples of Life The results are only shadows and echoes of our actions. Counsels of the Great Yu Every action has its [...]
The Hunted
The Hunted The hunter can make many mistakes, the hunted, only one. Native American Maxim Most criminals are predators. They "hunt" for the weak, the [...]
True Warriors
True Warriors If you understand, things are just as they are. If you do not understand, things are just as they are. Zen Maxim My [...]
Becoming Clear
Becoming Clear Muddy water, let stand, becomes clear. Lao Tzu Stress, worry, anxiety, and fear can cloud your mind. When these emotions are allowed to [...]
Thought Control
Thought Control The soul is dyed the color of its thoughts. Heraclitus Many people believe that their thoughts don't really matter. They think that their [...]
The Cycle of Democracy
The Cycle of Democracy In proportion as the structure of government gives force to public opinion, it is essential that public opinion should be enlightened. [...]
Decline of the American Empire?
Decline of the American Empire? It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once. David Hume In 1788 Edward Gibbon wrote [...]