Bohdi Sanders’ Wisdom of the Elders Wins National 2010 Best Books Award!
Breaking News from the USA Book News: USA BOOK NEWS ANNOUNCES the WINNERS AND FINALISTS OF THE “BEST BOOKS 2010” AWARDS . . . . [...]
2010 Sept/Oct Newsletter
Click on the link below for the Sept/Oct Wisdom Warrior Newsletter 2010 Sept-Oct Wisdom Warrior Newsletter
The Nine Noble Virtues: Viking Values for the Warrior Lifestyle
The Nine Noble Virtues The Nine Noble Virtues are derived from the ancient Norse teachings and the Asatru religion, which was the religious views of [...]
The Ultimate Warrior: Pick Your Battles
Pick You Battles If a battle cannot be won, do not fight it. Sun Tzu You have to pick your battles wisely. Not every conflict [...]
Funeral for a Homeless Man
Funeral for a Homeless Man As a bagpiper, I play many gigs. Recently I was asked by a funeral director to play at a graveside [...]
Do You Miss What You Never Knew?
Do You Miss What You Never Knew? Do you miss what you never knew? This may sound like a strange question. After all, how can [...]
2010 July/August Newsletter
Click on the link below to read the 2010 July-Aug Newsletter. It is good stuff! 2010 July-Aug The Wisdom Warrior Newsletter Be sure to sign [...]
The Wisdom Warrior Newsletter
The WISDOM WARRIOR NEWSLETTER The first edition of the new Wisdom Warrior Newsletter will be going out this week! This has been a long time [...]
Are You a Good Person?
Are You a Good Person? Those who do good because they want to be seen as good are not good. Lao Tzu Are you a [...]