Warrior Meditation

Sometimes the warrior needs to be alone, meditate,
and remind himself of who he is, and who he wants to be.
Bohdi Sanders

We all need to slow down, reflect, and see where we are in our journey from time to time. It is very easy to get sidetracked by our busy lives and veer off the path of the warrior without really realizing it. Just like a cross country road trip, we need to stop and make sure we are still on the right road at times.

You can’t just go through life haphazardly. You must understand where you are and where you are going in order to achieve your objective and arrive where you want to be. Reflect and understand who you are at this time, and who you want to be, then keep yourself on the path that leads to that destination.

Bohdi Sanders

MODERN BUSHIDO ~ Living a Life of Excellence

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