My Readers

So Refreshing…

It is so refreshing to see a writer of your caliber sharing great wisdom that is point on. There is so much crap out there, if will excuse the expression. Again thank you again, having been active in martial arts for 51 years, it is such a joy to read your writings. Keep writing, the martial arts community needs it.

Hanshi Michael McGann

Thank You For Improving My Life…

Your Writings Are Incredible! I Love Reading Them. Your Posts Are Exceptional! Thank You So Much For Sharing. Thank You For Improving My Life, And My Actions.

Robert Gabriel Kovacs

Makes You Want to be A Better Individual…

Can’t tell you how much your writings have done for me. I read them everyday and I feel that it plays a big role in the individual I have turned into today. Thanks for what you have done with your writings and the way they impact other young guys like myself to strive and want to be better individuals. Thank you very much. Have a nice day!

Stanley Grissom

Changed Every Aspect of My Life…

I’m still smiling as a result of these powerful books, the warriors package. For me, they are daily reading. All levels of my life have evolved in the most positive ways as a result of my studies and applying of the knowledge contained in these books, in every aspect of my life.

A. D. Harrington

Absolutely Inspiring…

Absolutely inspiring! Thank you for your efforts to assist people like me, who knew there MUST be a way…but have somehow lost the path? This helps get me back on track.

Garrith B, Ireland

A Deeply Insightful Book…

Just finished reading my copy of Modern Bushido. Thank you for a deeply insightful book!

Tom Rodgers

Inspiring, Insightful, and Instructive…

Thank you Dr. Sanders, for all your inspiring, insightful, and instructive writing and posts! Keep up the good work, you are truly changing lives for the better! Amen!

F Antonio Aledo

Like a Digital Handbook…

I want to thank you again Mr. Bohdi Sanders, that although we have never met in person, your writings are like a digital handbook that I can always refer to. I could not do it without you, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart. This is the lifestyle, I choose to pursue, and the people I choose to associate with!

Andreas Anastasopoulos

Your Books have Inspired Personal Changes…

Thank you Dr. Sanders. I’d like to one day speak to you about what brought me to the martial arts, how your posts and books have inspired personal changes and helped me create a new life and self.

Doug Kearn

Really Changed My Life…

Hi Dr. Bohdi sanders, I would just like to say thank you for the inspirational books & quotes you have written. It has really changed my life as s martial artist & person. Thank you again!

Luke Bannister

You Have Changed My Life for the Better…

Bohdi Sanders, I want you to know that you have changed my life for the better and I look up to you and Thank you for being you and helping people daily!

Gail S., CA

Your Writings are Excellent…

For what it may be worth: Your writings are excellent. I might not agree with them all, but they all make me think, and that, to me, is more important than my immediate agreement. Your work reminds me of Johannes Kepler:
“I would rather face the sharpest criticism of a single intelligent man, than the thoughtless approval of the masses.”

Nik D., NY