My Readers

Your Books Point Me in the Right Direction…

Hi I couldn’t figure out how to thank you on Amazon, so I just wanted to send you a message. I am 29 years old and for the past year or so, actually for most of my life I have been going through a lot of things. Your books remind me to stay on my path and reiterate to me all of the characteristics of a warrior. My family is even noticing a change in me, as it took me a while to “grow up.” Your books point out the right ways to keep me on the right path. One thing I love especially is how you incorporate spirituality in your books/lessons. I just had to say thank you, for helping me keep on my path, and for taking the time to write. I have learned a lot and it truly makes a difference.

Bree Perry

The Light Within You Illuminates a Path for Others…

Walk your path in the spirit of a Warrior Priest. The light within you illuminates a path for others.

Steven M. Aldus

Brilliant Writer…

Dr. Sanders’ mind, intellect and wisdom are uncanny and make his writings a sword to cut through ignorance and misunderstanding. If you are in doubt, I suggest you follow O’sensei Dacascos’ advice, open to any page and read it. You will be compelled to read the others. Brilliant writer, cuts through the fog of doubt and confusion regarding who we are and our relationship with others, be they family or mortal enemies!

Kyoshi David Nielsen

Much Respect…

I just wanted to say thank you.I have read most of your books and have found them to help me, not only in the martial arts, but also in every day life! Much respect!

Bret Smith, Great Britain

A Positive Impact…

Osu Sensei! I really go enjoy your writings. I figured you might want to hear that you have a very positive impact on me and on how I teach my students and how I raise my boy. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.

Alain Mokbel

A True Legend…

No amount of any smear campaign will ever deter my respect to Bohdi Sanders, who I view as a true legend. Keep doing what you’re doing, the more haters hate you, and the harder they work to discredit you, the more you know you’re doing the right thing.

Shannon Skipworth

You are Changing the World…

So much of your writing has played a role in my training over the years (and will continue to). I just wanted to take a minute to say thank you for all that you share. I know you catch a lot of flack, but you are changing your world.

Maggi Stephens

I Love Your Books…

I just want to say I love your books and that they have helped me out a lot with life and dealing with my ptsd.

Sean Murphy

Should be Required Reading for All Martial Artists…

Dr. Sanders, I’ve been teaching kenpo since the early70s, and I feel your books should be required reading for all dedicated martial artists from all arts. Good job!

Ed Booze

Your Writing has Touched My Soul…

Your writing has touch my soul. It helps me through some of the hard times and teaches me everyday. I wanted to thank you for your daily writings as they mean a lot.

Brian Lachapelle

A Positive Impact in so many Lives…

‎I have been following you for quite some time and it is such an honor. Your writings and the messages contained are inspiring and they always seem to be so perfectly timely. Thank you for taking time out of your life to share your knowledge and wisdom with the rest of the world. You are making a major positive impact in so many lives and again, I thank you.

Chris Hand

Incredible Books…

I have purchased both of your books (Men of the Code and Defensive Living: The Other Side of Self Defense). They are incredible books that have help me change my character and become more of a thinker about my martial arts and as a man. Thank you.

William Vasquez