My Readers

I Love Your Teachings…Awesome!

Bohdi, you are now one of my Idols! I LOVE your teachings! AWESOME!!! Thank you so much!

Jeff Pukal

A Martial Arts and Philosophical Leader…

You are a Martial Arts and Philosophical leader. A lot of folks don’t realize the psychological and healing process contained in your message.

Rock Taulbee

Quite Inspirational…

I have found the articles  quite inspirational. I have been in the martial arts for over 30 years. The thoughts and ideas in your books I can see me moving everything to a new level. It’s the motivation and stimulation of ideas we need.


Michael Read

Thank You for Changing My Life…Powerful and Enlightening

Greetings Sensei Bohdi Sanders! Thank you for changing my life and helping me to advance on all levels. I have the warriors package. This is the most powerful and enlightening martial arts materials that I have ever studied. You not only autographed each book, but you gave me very profound advice and encouragement to apply on my martial journey, in each book. My family, friends and associates still seem puzzled, as to what is it that changed me, and made me such a different person in the most positive ways. I have been tremendously humbled by your teachings Sensei Bohdi Sanders!  Continue to change lives as you have mine!

Alester Darnell Harrington

Men of the Code is a Classic for Men…

Men of the Code book is a gift to everyone that reads it. I have to tell you that that book will be a classic for Men! This book gave me a huge wake up call! I just want to thank you. Better than any book I’ve ever read! Be proud of that work!

Mark Wilson

Great Writings…Essential…

Dr. Sanders you have some great writings on developing body, mind, and heart for application in the real world. You have inspired me to get back into martial arts training mode in the application of ying and yang Chinese philosophies in karate and kendo. Your books are essential for martial arts training for knowledge, skill, and attitude development . Thank you sir!!!!!!

Henry Cabrera, Sr.

Gives You Courage…

Master Bohdi, I cannot tell you how much courage your writings have given me over these last few years. Thank you!

Renee Bierbaum

Really Love Your Books!

Really love your books. They inspire me!

Daniel Redmond

I’m a Huge Fan…

I’m a huge fan of your work. I was in law enforcement for fifteen years and recommended Modern Bushido to several of my fellow deputies!

Grant Richter

This Book has had Quite an Impact on My Thinking…

I once again started reading through this wonderful gem of a book.  I’m 64, going on 65, years of age and have never studied the martial arts, but the wisdom conveyed in this book has had quite an impact on my thinking.




F.S., Great Britain

You have Changed My Life…

You have changed my life. I got all your books. They are like holy books to me!

Job Magagula

I Love Your Books…

Hi Dr. Sanders. I just wanted to let you know I love your books!

Chris Brocious