Prepare for the Worst ~ Hope for the Best
Prepare for the Worst ~ Hope for the Best Nothing is better or surer than fixing things in such a way that you are safe, [...]
The Warrior Needs to be Alone
Sometimes the warrior needs to be alone, meditate, and remind himself of who he is, and who he wants to be. Bohdi Sanders We all [...]
Be Careful of Your Thoughts!
Be careful of your thoughts; they are the beginning of your acts. Lao Tzu Many people think that their thoughts really don’t matter as long [...]
The Warrior’s Courage
The Warrior's Courage Cervantes wrote that, “The man of true valor lies between the extremes of cowardice and rashness.” Cowardice and rashness are indeed the two extremes [...]
Death of a Warrior
Death of a Warrior When my time on this earth has expired, I have no desire to be sealed in some over-priced box, by strangers [...]
Be Decisive!
Be Decisive! Deliberate often – Decide once. Latin Proverb The warrior has to be decisive. He has to spend time meditating on his values and [...]
It is Essential to Cultivate the Warrior Spirit.
It is Essential to Cultivate the Warrior Spirit What is the warrior spirit? This 17th century Confucian scholar’s teachings, as translated by Thomas Cleary in [...]
MODERN BUSHIDO Now Available for Amazon Kindles
Great News for My Readers! My newest book, MODERN BUSHIDO: Living a Life of Excellence, is NOW AVAILABLE for Amazon Kindles! Many of you have [...]
Justice, Warriorhood and the Martial Arts
Justice, Warriorhood and the Martial Arts Justice is the virtue of warriorhood, the root of martial arts. Nakae Toju Justice is the root of martial [...]