Lao Tzu Wisdom and Bamboo
When nothing can be done about the way things are,
the wise stop worrying about the situation.
Lao Tzu

In today’s society, it seems that many people are addicted to worry. They worry about the weather, they worry about the economy, they worry about their health, and the list goes on and on. Does their worrying accomplish anything? Well, actually it does have an effect. Everything that you do carries with it some significance, no matter how small it may be. I guess the question should be, “Does their worrying accomplish anything constructive?” In this case the answer would be, no.

Your thoughts have power. Thoughts of worry, like all of your thoughts, affect your mind and your body, but they do nothing to change the situation that you are worrying about in the first place. Worry is a totally useless thought process. Don’t worry about things. If you can do something to help the situation, do it. If you can’t do anything about the way things are, then don’t waste time worrying about it.

Spend your time in ways that produce positive and useful results. If you have a problem, don’t worry about it, but rather think rationally about what you can do to fix the problem. Realize that not worrying about something does not mean that you just ignore it.

Take steps to protect yourself. Do what you can and then move on. The wise man will continue to monitor the situation and stay aware of the current circumstances, without allowing his mind to be troubled by the things which are out of his control. Quit worrying!

Bohdi Sanders