What Readers Say About Dr. Sanders…

Complexity in Simplicity…

I just wanted to take a minute to tell you what a difference your books have made in my life and in my training. I purchased a full set of books from you several months ago and my instructor and I have used them a great deal. Initially we just read them together. Since that time he has used them in my training. Each week I use a single chapter of one of your books ( Warrior Wisdom) and read that same chapter every day. I spend time thinking on the concept and idea throughout the week. Most of the subjects, when looked at individually, are quite simple. Yet, I have learned that there is much complexity in simplicity. I see so many changes in who I am and I am finding that I respect myself so much more than I once did.

Maggi Melton

This Is Excellent

This is excellent!! Much food for thought and wisdom in this write. Thank you!!

N.M., Georgia

Such an Inspiration…

You are such and inspiration to me as a young warrior! Thank you for all the positive writings, I have not missed one yet!

Kyle Vorster

Inspiring, Insightful, and Instructive…

Thank you Dr. Sanders, for all your inspiring, insightful, and instructive writing and posts! Keep up the good work, you are truly changing lives for the better! Amen!

F Antonio Aledo

A Martial Arts and Philosophical Leader…

You are a Martial Arts and Philosophical leader. A lot of folks don’t realize the psychological and healing process contained in your message.

Rock Taulbee

A Renaissance of Virtue and Dignity…

I say thank you! I am thoroughly enjoying the writing. I am a mom of four boys and three girls, most of whom are grown and gone. I grew up in the 60’s, the time when culture, virtue and decency were systematically attacked and nearly destroyed. You are truly a Renaissance of virtue and dignity. It is so wonderful to see how the old is now becoming new and cutting edge.  I am thrilled that you embrace the old ways with such fervor. You are truly renaissance men. You will help countless readers see the beauty of honor, chivalry and virtue. Keep up the excellent work!

Susan Roberts

Your Words Have Great Meaning

These principles are not easy to live up to, but if I can, I am usually a better person for it. Following one’s principles should be the mantra of every person, but too many times principles are compromised for the easy fix. When we compromise our principles we compromise our honor and our integrity. Your words have great meaning.

A.N., Virginia


Dr. Sanders, I am a HUGE Fan of your books and knowledge that you write. I would like to ask your permission to add some of my favorite posts to my Wordpress… I wanted to ask out of respect and hopefully bring some more fans to you and the knowledge you drop.

Draco Shadowmourne

Your Words and Spirit have Become My Inspiration…

Thanks Bohdi your words are like that of an angels wings upon me,watching and guiding over me.Your words and spirit have become my inspiration!!

Angela Gurung Ne Pountney

Reserve A Place On Your Bookshelf For His Books

Can wisdom be taught by drawing upon an eclectic list of Eastern and Western sources from antiquity to the modern day, the author repeatedly counsels aspiring martial artists to do two things: first, always do what is just and true; second, always train as if it really matters. As Marcus Aurelius said, “Do every act of your life as if it were your last.”

Dr. Sanders is dedicated with following the path of the warrior. One can debate whether warrior wisdom can really be taught, but Dr. Sanders shows us that it certainly can be nurtured and reinforced. Reserve a place on your bookshelf for his books and turn to them for flashes of insight and inspiration.

F. J. Chu ~ Author of The Martial Way and Its Virtues

F. J. Chu

You Have Helped Me Better Understand

You have helped me better understand the meaning of being a warrior. I have trained in tae kwondo for several years now and your wisdom opens a new path of understanding and wisdom for me to see life and the world in a bigger perspective.

T.M., California

Your Wisdom has been a Beacon…

Hello Master Bohdi, Thank you so much for continuing to share your wisdom. Your wisdom has been a beacon through the darkest days of my journey. May you always be blessed.

Kelly C., NC

Really Changed My Life…

Hi Dr. Bohdi sanders, I would just like to say thank you for the inspirational books & quotes you have written. It has really changed my life as s martial artist & person. Thank you again!

Luke Bannister

Reinvigorated Me…

Master Bohdi, ever since I first heard of your name and read your wisdom and teachings, I have gained a better understanding of what it really means to be a warrior and a man. Your teachings and hard work helped shake me out of that stupor and reinvigorated with me with the ethos of ancient cultures like the Spartans, the samurai, and the Native Americans. For all this and so much more, you have my deepest thanks and gratitude. I look forward to reading more of your work!

Christopher Manza

Truly Important For Happiness, Love And Life

As a single mother of three young children ( a mommy warrior!), the book contains safety tips combined with inspiration on how to live a better…fully lived life. I have shared some portions with my children who enjoy the quotes as well as the martial arts aspects…Each segment can be read initially, on the surface level, of self defense, but it can also be read on a higher level, of what is truly important for happiness, love and life.

L.W., Florida


I have read several books on the subject of ancient wisdom but this book is the best hands down…I really enjoyed this book. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT.

J.R., New Jersey

Changed Every Aspect of My Life…

I’m still smiling as a result of these powerful books, the warriors package. For me, they are daily reading. All levels of my life have evolved in the most positive ways as a result of my studies and applying of the knowledge contained in these books, in every aspect of my life.

A. D. Harrington

The Wisdom And Teachings In This Book Are Invaluable

I am not a person easily impressed, but Bohdi Sanders’ book, Men of the Code, is everything that I embrace and live my life by. The teachings in Men of the Code are exactly what I teach my students to live by and how I hope that they teach other men to live. The wisdom and teachings in this book are invaluable and something that seems to have been lost in our modern day culture. I can’t recommend this book highly enough!

Hanshi Frank Dux is immortalized by the motion picture based upon his life – Bloodsport. Jean-Claude Van Damme played the role of Frank Dux in this amazing tale of Hanshi Dux’s life. From the years 1975 through 1980 he was the World Full Contact Kumite (no-holds-barred) Champion. He holds 16 world records

Frank Dux

I Highly Recommend This Book For Everyone

It is with a great amount of humility and honor that I highly recommend this book for everyone – man, woman or young adult to help in the direction of either the development, or turning point, of each man from a real and honest desire to be a member of “Men of the Code.”

Grandmaster Dan Tosh has been training in Shorin-ryu Karate since 1958 and now holds the rank of 10th degree black belt. Dr. Tosh has a Ph.D. in economics, as well as a law degree, and has served as an adjunct professor for Novus Law School.

Dan Tosh, Ph.D., JD

You are Changing the World…

So much of your writing has played a role in my training over the years (and will continue to). I just wanted to take a minute to say thank you for all that you share. I know you catch a lot of flack, but you are changing your world.

Maggi Stephens

I Share Warrior Wisdom With All That Will Listen…

Dr Sanders, Just finished reading Warrior, also have read Modern Bushido and Warrior Wisdom. I have truly enjoyed reading them. Even though I’ve spent 30  plus years in the military and law enforcement, I always felt like something was missing in my training, just didn’t know what. Unfortunately for whatever reason our society doesn’t seem to believe in cultivating the minds of our warriors as they walk on the “dark side” of life often. I am truly looking forward to my journey to becoming a “superior man.” I try to share the wisdom I have learned to anyone who will listen, especially our young troops. Keep up the good work.Thank You!

Mark D., MS

Men of the Code is a Classic for Men…

Men of the Code book is a gift to everyone that reads it. I have to tell you that that book will be a classic for Men! This book gave me a huge wake up call! I just want to thank you. Better than any book I’ve ever read! Be proud of that work!

Mark Wilson

Very Inspirational!

Master Sanders, I have really enjoyed your work and found your writing very inspirational. Thank you!

Eric Kent

Truly Enlightened…

I personally believe, you ARE a Bodhisattva. From what I’ve seen from your posts and blog, you are either way down the path of enlightenment or are already enlightened!

Claw LeFever

Your Writing has Touched My Soul…

Your writing has touch my soul. It helps me through some of the hard times and teaches me everyday. I wanted to thank you for your daily writings as they mean a lot.

Brian Lachapelle

Your Words have Genuinely Helped Me…

Thank you, Bohdi Sanders, your words have genuinely helped me choose the correct path no matter how difficult.

Jason Farrow

Find Something New With Each Pass

It is the type of book you can read many times and find something new with each pass.

A.H., California

A Positive Impact in so many Lives…

‎I have been following you for quite some time and it is such an honor. Your writings and the messages contained are inspiring and they always seem to be so perfectly timely. Thank you for taking time out of your life to share your knowledge and wisdom with the rest of the world. You are making a major positive impact in so many lives and again, I thank you.

Chris Hand

Amazing Books…Huge Fan…

Please, please check out this guy’s amazing books and to a martial artist like myself…I am definitely honored. One day I’m going to meet this guy…a dream come true! I promise you. I just wanted to show my respect and I wanted to say thank you sir for all that you do. You have changed the way I look at life. I am a huge fan of yours. I won’t bother you too much cause I know your a busy guy. You have my up most respect!

Keith Hagen

Daily Motivation…

Just wanted to tell you I have great respect for what you do and enjoy reading your writing. People do not realize that there is evil in this world and you have to keep your mind strong knowing one day that you might have to be the one to stop that evil act. I have been a police officer for over 20 years and do know that this evil is there. Stay strong and keep writing, I look forward to it for my daily motivation!!!

Travis Crouch

The Warrior Wisdom is Truly A Gift…

Mr. Sanders, I just want to say, I think your great! Thank you for all the great writings. God bless you in all your writing and life. Warrior Wisdom is truly a gift! Keep up the good work.

Ivan Bonet

You’ve Made Me Decide to Start Training Again.

Thanks from an old Marine. You’ve made me decide to start training again.

Mike Cesar

This Book Is The Best Hands Down

I have read several books on the subject of ancient wisdom but this book is the best hands down… I really enjoyed this book. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT. .

J.R., New Jersey

Really Love Your Books!

Really love your books. They inspire me!

Daniel Redmond

Common Sense Writings…

Dear Master Sanders, I have been a martial artist for over 30 years and have yet to experience common sense writings like yours. Keep up the good work. I truly enjoy sharing the gems you write with my students and staff.

Master William Winkler

Your Writings have Really Helped Me…

I love it. Your writings have really helped me. I share many of them and have saved just as many. The “rule your mind or it will rule you” pic is my screen saver & the first thing I see when I turned on my pad. Thanks so much.

Tracy Camille Brookman

Changed the Way I Look at Things…

I agree with Modern Bushido. It changed the way I look at things. The sections on discipline and correct thought are outstanding. Wisdom of the elders is really good for a spring board on philosophy.

Rlee Long

A Great Influence on My Life…

I just wanted to thank you. The knowledge you have passed on has had a great influence on my life. Its hard to find good people in this world, people who still have honor and integrity. It gives me hope that I might find happiness and purpose in this world. So, thank you for being a role model. Never assume your teachings are in vain.

Bryce Mattson

You Are Awesome!

Mr. Sanders, You are awesome! Everyday I look forward to reading your writings to learn something invaluable. What a lot of wisdom! Thank you for the encouraging words. I’m learning to strengthen the warrior inside me.

Nathasha Kariyakarawana

A Tremendous Amount Of Inspirational Value

Warrior Wisdom…has a tremendous amount of inspirational value. It is the kind of book that can be read over and over, and if you’re at a point where you need motivation in your training, picking up this book and reading a few passages from it just may be the thing that prods you to drive on…The bottom line is that I highly recommend this book as I believe that martial artists and non-martial artists alike can benefit from the wisdom contained in it.

E.M., Washington D.C.

Expresses True Insights…

What you share here and in your books reflect the many conversation I’ve had over the years and continue to have with people from all walks of life. YOU are one of the few that I’ve come across that expresses true insight in terms of Honor, Self-Worth, Self Reliance, what truly matters in life and More…When I read your thoughts…it’s as if I’m reading my own.

R.O., PA

Dr. Sanders’  Books Are What Modern Day Martial Artists Need

Dr. Sanders’  books are what modern day martial artists need. The knowledge that they offers to a new generation can be considered vital to the continuation of the true path of the warrior.

However, his books offers much more than that. They could also be described as  guidebooks for the perfection of character, something that everyone, not only martial artists can benefit from. If more people were to understand the concepts of integrity, honor, and service towards others, the world would probably be a much nicer place to live.

Dr. Sanders has compiled  fantastic resources for warrior training. The format is wonderful. The depth of his books reflects Dr. Sanders own warrior training. I will surely be using them as a resource guide in my Zen Warrior training program.

Aaron Hoopes ~ Founder of Zen Yoga and the Zen Warrior Training Program.  Author of: Zen Yoga: A Path to Enlightenment through Breathing, Movement and Meditation, and Perfecting Ourselves: Coordinating Body, Mind and Spirit

Aaron Hoopes

Bohdi Sanders is a blessing to the human race, and he shares his wisdom on a daily basis. All you have to do is listen/read. I have never taken one martial arts class, but I am a better man, husband, and father because of lessons that he has taught me.

John Showalter

Men Of The Code Is A Must Read

I believe Men of the Code is a must read and a “go to” book that can be perused over and over. This book offers an excellent written guideline for how to live as a man of honor. I have taken it upon myself to share this book with my adult children to help guide them in their future.

Dana Gregory Abbott, Shihan is an internationally recognized expert of Japanese swordsmanship who has been influential in advancing and spreading the martial arts. He holds a 7th Degree Black Belt, is an inductee into the prestigious Black Belt Hall of Fame

Dana Gregory Abbott

On The Same Page With You

I am on the same page with you as to the true qualities of character that a man should strive for.

W.D., Oklahoma

Solid Advice Bohdi

This is solid advice,Bohdi…seems all cultures down through the centuries have profoun things to say about the ebb and flow of life, things changing, being tested by hard times, and the value of persistence during these dark times (because they don’t last forever).  This must be a universal truth…a universal experience!

J.F., Florida

Gives You Courage…

Master Bohdi, I cannot tell you how much courage your writings have given me over these last few years. Thank you!

Renee Bierbaum

Your Work is Incredible…

Your work is incredible! I feel blessed to have found it. Diagnosed with depression and PTSD, learning how my mind truly works and the power I contain is the most challenging thing I’ve ever had to do. What u share deeply assists me in this. THANK YOU! Peace and Blessings.

QH Vaughan III

I Wish You Had Written These Books 40 Years Ago

The wisdom sayings and the discussions herein are simplistic yet they are as meaty as a two-inch-thick porterhouse. I like simplicity in the martial arts. It has got to be simple and it has got to be pragmatic. Clearly, Dr. Bohdi Sanders believes this, too.

So don’t race through his books as if you were reading a popular novel. “Meditate on the information,” “be in the moment,” and “…apply [the] principles to your life.” Think about them and discuss them with your partner, your classmates, and with your students. Discuss them with friends outside of the martial arts, too, as they apply to all facets of your life.

I wish you had written these books 40 years ago before I got into all that trouble. His books are  a wonderful guide to living your life ethically, morally, compassionately, wisely, and exemplary. Oh, I forgot one. It will keep you out of trouble, too.

It’s rare to find  books so rich and thought provoking that you can read them again and again and get something a little different out of it each time. Indeed, there isn’t a quotation and discussion in here that doesn’t pertain to each of us… I highly recommend them!

Read his books, and then read them again and again and again.

Loren W. Christensen ~ author of: Warriors: On Living with Courage, Discipline, and Honor and Warrior Mindset

Loren Christensen

Modern Warrior, Is An Exceptional Book

Warrior Wisdom: Ageless Wisdom for the Modern Warrior, is an exceptional book…I have now read the book cover to cover twice, and as I pick it up to read it a third time, find myself discovering new nuggets of wisdom.

D.M., Oregon

Words of Wisdom…

I couldn’t stand “just” being a fan of your books! Your words of wisdom come a perfect times of the day. Big fan!

Michelle Hammock

You have had a Profound Influence on My Life.

Bohdi, thank you very much for all that you do! You have had a profound influence on my life.

John Showalter

I’m Blown Away…

Dear Mr Sanders, my fiancé ordered me Martial Arts Wisdom and Modern Bushido. Wow, I knew they would be good, but I’m blown away! Keep up the good work sir.

Duane Bark

Great Writings…Essential…

Dr. Sanders you have some great writings on developing body, mind, and heart for application in the real world. You have inspired me to get back into martial arts training mode in the application of ying and yang Chinese philosophies in karate and kendo. Your books are essential for martial arts training for knowledge, skill, and attitude development . Thank you sir!!!!!!

Henry Cabrera, Sr.

His Books Are A Must Read

Dr. Sanders’ writings are filled with motivating, inspirational, and relevant information for men in today’s world. His books are a must read for anyone who is a warrior in life, dealing with character development, integrity building, loyalty, and honor. His books are eye-opening and will motivate you to live a better life. I highly recommend them!

Al Dacascos, Black Belt Hall of Fame in 1977. He has been on the cover of over 185 National and International Martial Arts magazines and has won over 200 martial arts championships.

Al Dacascos

Thank You Master Bohdi…

Thank you Master Bohdi. You are a wonderful man, you inspire a lot of people, don’t change!!! God takes extra time making a few extra soldiers and he broke a mold with you. Believe that, stay true with your beliefs…he blessed you dearly!

Kyle Mcgee Chisam

Filled With A Truth That Resonates

Filled with a truth that resonates with the higher good of the universe. Thank You!

C.J., Tennessee

The Response from the Kids is Overwhelming – Magnificent…

Dr. Sanders – I am the clinical director at a juvenile detention center (most kids are here for 6 months plus – sent by their probation offices), and have recently introduced several of your books to them.  The response from the kids has been overwhelming – and am now daily being asked for more copies by the kids. Our kids are really responding to your book and talk of “Dr.Sanders” and the “Code / Lifestyle” at every group (therapy) we have.  Thanks tremendously – keep up your effort.  It is magnificent.



Ruben M. Aguirre

I Love Your Books…

Hi Dr. Sanders. I just wanted to let you know I love your books!

Chris Brocious

I Highly Recommend His Books For Anyone

Honor, discipline, wisdom, and character building all part of a martial artist’s arsenal – that is what the reader gets from Dr. Bohdi Sanders’ books, and much, much more. I highly recommend his books for anyone involved in the martial arts, and even those of you who may be thinking of going into a particular style of martial art. Warrior Wisdom is a book that I would strongly suggest that you read before, and after, your daily training in the dojo in order to get a complete education, and realize the true spirit of the martial arts. This book would be a great gift for anyone, even if they aren’t involved in the martial arts.

Adam Weiss, D.C. ~ board certified chiropractic physician and a member of the American College of Sports Medicine. Medical director of Weiss Health and Fitness Center. Author and black belt.

Dr. Adam Weiss

Your Empowering Writings have Saved My Life…

I just wanted to say thank you for the inspiration and wisdom you pass along. In part your empowering writings have saved my life. I have been living with a chronic illness for over a decade and though I’m not feeling better physically and your goal was not directly related to people with diseases I was able to conjure up enough motivation to take proactive steps in bettering my life financially, finding better doctors and health care options and moving towards a possible treatment. I cannot thank you enough for this and though I do not know you personally I will never forget how I have grown as a person. Please know that your reaching more than just warriors on a physical battlefield.

Raven Evermore

Beautiful and Moving…

Mr. Sanders, my name is Charity and I have just recently been reading some of your writings…and let me say they were beautiful and moving. I am 31 yrs old and I have recently stopped drinking. I am almost 3 weeks sober now. I am also an addict and have been clean from that for 10 plus yrs now. I just wanted you to know that some of your writings have really helped me thru some tough days. Thank you.

Charity Matlock

This Book Changed My Life…

This book changed my life. Please keep posting more of this daily inspirational articles. It means a lot to me.

Adrian Lee

Opens the Mind…

Nothing opens up the mind quite like Bodhi!

Ricky 'Rane' Walker

Powerful and Inspiring…A Work of Genius…

Hello Dr. Sanders, I just bought a copy of your book: “Modern Bushido,” and it is powerful and inspiring! It is like having a martial arts master sitting right next to you. Thank you for a work of genius!


Rev. Dr. Steve Godjas

Such a Wonderful, Motivating and Inspirational Book…

Dear Bohdi, I wanted to say thank you for writing such a wonderful, motivating and inspirational book. It’s teachings and wisdom have had a powerful and profound effect on my internal world, my daily life and in the lives of the people I interact with. With gratitude and respect.

Stephanie Pettitt

I Respect Your Way Of Thinking

I do think highly of you; I respect your way of thinking and truly wish there were more people who embraced the concept of living an honorable life…

H.E., Wisconsin

I love this book

I have to say that I love this book, this is a book that everyone should keep nearby and read regularly as a reference for living.

D.O., New York

A Positive Impact…

Osu Sensei! I really go enjoy your writings. I figured you might want to hear that you have a very positive impact on me and on how I teach my students and how I raise my boy. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.

Alain Mokbel

Your Book has Helped Me Cope…

At present I am reading and studying your book “Modern Bushido,” I am a former Marine Vietnam Vet who has had a lot of trouble with inner anger in his life. The VA has me rated at 80%, with 70% PTSD. This PTSD comes out in anger. Your book has helped me cope with this inner anger. Just a short thank you.

Robert Earnheart

I Like Your Philosophy

You inspired and pulled forth a little bit of poetry written just for you. I too am a wild crafter and sometimes called a medicine woman. I like your philosophy. R.W., Hawaii* There is wisdom in your words. You offer your gift to the people. I’m glad you are around.

K.K., Delaware

The Light Within You Illuminates a Path for Others…

Walk your path in the spirit of a Warrior Priest. The light within you illuminates a path for others.

Steven M. Aldus

Life Changing…

Hello master Bohdi. Hope all is well with you and your family. I have told a lot of people about your books. They have really changed a lot of people’s lives, thank you for your dedication, you have a true gift.

Kyle Mcgee

Huge Fan of Your Work…

Hello Master Sanders. I am a huge fan of your work. I want to wish you the best and keep up your great work.

Lóng Zhī Hún

Enhanced My Awareness…

I feel influenced by Dr. Bohdi Sanders plus others, who have enhanced an awareness of my responses to challenging situations. I am not a Martial Artist, but his writings and feelings have shown better ways of dealing with lifes ups and downs so I remain my own person – Thank You!

Bonnie Sholl

I am a Fan of Your Books…

I am a fifth grade teacher and also a fan of your books. I found your writing about true friendship to be especially beneficial to students in the age range that I teach, and I will be sharing what you said with my class. I created a reading practice exercise to go along with what you said, and I wanted to ask your permission to use it with my students. Thank you for your wonderful books! I very much enjoy them! Having first started working with martial arts in the 1980’s, I have a rather traditional view of martial arts in terms of the necessity for honor, mutual respect, and the other traditional values. And, I am glad to see that some people are still encouraging the use of those values.

J.T., KS

What an Impact YOU have had on My Life

Thank You for guiding me so well! Since coming to your site, I have felt more at peace and more filled with what has been missing!  I had to let you know what an impact YOU have had on my life in just a very short time. I HONOR YOU! LOVE♥ PEACE♥ Namaste ♥

Marlana Monet Smith

Your Writings Really Impacted Me…

In April I asked my sergeant to reassign me back to patrol, as it was the right thing to do at that time for my family and I. Your writings really impacted me as a husband, father and a warrior. I feel I’m much more successful in those areas of my life because of your writings, and for that, I thank you sir!

Eric Fox

A Treasure…

Bohdi, You are a prophet of the Martial arts community. A treasure not of Diamonds, but wisdom!

Emmet Crowley

Inspired Me to Keep Going…

Your words on life and how to overcome any trial inspire me to keep going, to keep my head up like my late dad did for me. Your words help me to see the other side of life, to see that I don’t need to be in a down and out mood, to never give up and always try to be better the next day. You helped me through parts of my hell, and sometimes your words were like a hand helping me back up, you have my thanks and forever gratitude.

Patrick Wright

Defensive Living: The Other Side of Self-Defense Really Helped Me!

Defensive Living: The Other Side of Self-Defense really helped today with a situation that was in the making. Thank you for writing it sir!

John Morris, TX

You Inspire Me!

You inspire me very much Dr sanders! Thank you for your daily words respect to you

Scott John Poxon

You Inspire So Many…

You are awesome. You inspire so many. I am very grateful & humbled. I thank God’s grace for you being A inspiration to me.

Jody Ellsbury-Johnson

So Refreshing…

It is so refreshing to see a writer of your caliber sharing great wisdom that is point on. There is so much crap out there, if will excuse the expression. Again thank you again, having been active in martial arts for 51 years, it is such a joy to read your writings. Keep writing, the martial arts community needs it.

Hanshi Michael McGann

Source of Inspiration…

Sir, your writings are the main source of inspiration to me!

Aravinth Vasusena

Your Work has Helped Me Through Very Difficult Times…

Your work has helped me through some very difficult times. And when times are not so difficult, it reminds me of who I strive to be. You drop the pebble, but the ripples travel further than you will ever know.

J.S.V., NY

Positive Strength Building Writings…

Mr. Bohdi Sanders I must say it is a pleasure coming across positive, strength building writings such as your own. Sometimes, what you write is so simple and is still able to delve into the crevices of a man’s mind that may not have been so sufficiently awakened.

Jeremy Ahrens

Thank You For Improving My Life…

Your Writings Are Incredible! I Love Reading Them. Your Posts Are Exceptional! Thank You So Much For Sharing. Thank You For Improving My Life, And My Actions.

Robert Gabriel Kovacs

Your Writings Help Me Get Through The Day…

You have become my master Po! Every day I look for your writings to help me get through my day. I know they help others, who have that warrior spirit.

Sweeney Howie

I Really Like This Book!

I really like this book! The quotations alone are worth the price of this book, but the commentaries are what make it special. The author of this book is both knowledgeable, wise, and indeed a “modern” warrior! Don’t let the title fool you either. You don’t have to have anything at all to do with any martial art to understand or appreciate this book. This book will put you into the “proper mindset” if you let it.

J.D., New Hampshire

You have Changed My Life…

You have changed my life. I got all your books. They are like holy books to me!

Job Magagula

Inspiring Writings…

I can’t thank you enough for your inspiring writings. I lost my son at age four in 2009. I have tried everything to help cope with his death but found myself falling deeper into depression. Then a friend recommended your books. I read your writings every day for inspiration. The pain will always be hard after losing my son but your words always help me realize I need to keep living. Thank you again.

Amy OBryan-Lenhard

No Words Can Describe the Help and Confidence…

Dr. Sanders, I just wanted to tell you how much your writings help me out get me through my day pick me up when I am down. I recently was given some sad news and to be honest, your books keep my head high during one of the hardest times of my life and that I had just happened about six weeks ago. So just want to say thank you. No words can describe the help and confidence your page gives me. Thank you!

Kevron Nickens

Quite Inspirational…

I have found the articles  quite inspirational. I have been in the martial arts for over 30 years. The thoughts and ideas in your books I can see me moving everything to a new level. It’s the motivation and stimulation of ideas we need.


Michael Read

Have Read Modern Bushido So Many Times…

I read Modern Bushido to my 10 year old son. We have read it so many times now, we just choose our favorite chapters and go over them before bed. It goes a long way to our survival and helps us to focus more on what we are capable of in life. He is now a blue belt in Kung Fu and I’m back at Uni, all because of this mentality and way of life.

Janet Payne

Incredible Books…

I have purchased both of your books (Men of the Code and Defensive Living: The Other Side of Self Defense). They are incredible books that have help me change my character and become more of a thinker about my martial arts and as a man. Thank you.

William Vasquez

A True Legend…

No amount of any smear campaign will ever deter my respect to Bohdi Sanders, who I view as a true legend. Keep doing what you’re doing, the more haters hate you, and the harder they work to discredit you, the more you know you’re doing the right thing.

Shannon Skipworth

You Have Changed My Life for the Better…

Bohdi Sanders, I want you to know that you have changed my life for the better and I look up to you and Thank you for being you and helping people daily!

Gail S., CA

Modern Warrior Is An Exceptional Book

Warrior Wisdom: Ageless Wisdom for the Modern Warrior, is an exceptional book…I have now read the book cover to cover twice, and as I pick it up to read it a third time, find myself discovering new nuggets of wisdom.

D.M., Oregon

People Like Yourself Help Me

People like yourself help me and I’m sure other people understand the vastness of the multiverse we live in..

H.N., New York

One of the Great American Authors…

I consider Shihan Bohdi Sanders to be one of the modern era great American authors and his views on Martial Arts Philosophy and multiple Styles of Self Defense disciplines to be second to no one.

Soke Richard Hallman

You Touch My Spirit

I have been reading, and you touch my spirit with your wisdom. I and my husband read and he really likes them too. We read and we cried and we felt the love.

L.W., North Carolina



M.R., Florida

I Apply it to My Daily Life…

I can’t wait to read the new book when it comes out. I have applied a lot of what you have written to my daily life. It has made me a better Supervisor and Father. I am a Correctional Officer and after working a 12 hour shift your a little stressed at times. Usually one of the first thing I do when I get home is ready a few quotes and meditate. Again Thank you.

Brian Everett

Your Books have Inspired Personal Changes…

Thank you Dr. Sanders. I’d like to one day speak to you about what brought me to the martial arts, how your posts and books have inspired personal changes and helped me create a new life and self.

Doug Kearn

Thank You for Changing My Life…Powerful and Enlightening

Greetings Sensei Bohdi Sanders! Thank you for changing my life and helping me to advance on all levels. I have the warriors package. This is the most powerful and enlightening martial arts materials that I have ever studied. You not only autographed each book, but you gave me very profound advice and encouragement to apply on my martial journey, in each book. My family, friends and associates still seem puzzled, as to what is it that changed me, and made me such a different person in the most positive ways. I have been tremendously humbled by your teachings Sensei Bohdi Sanders!  Continue to change lives as you have mine!

Alester Darnell Harrington

I Love Your Teachings…Awesome!

Bohdi, you are now one of my Idols! I LOVE your teachings! AWESOME!!! Thank you so much!

Jeff Pukal

This Book has had Quite an Impact on My Thinking…

I once again started reading through this wonderful gem of a book.  I’m 64, going on 65, years of age and have never studied the martial arts, but the wisdom conveyed in this book has had quite an impact on my thinking.




F.S., Great Britain

Absolutely Wonderful…

Dear Mr. Sanders, you are really great. I purchased your 2 books from Amazon and already read them. In the past I was never interested in such philosophy as my life was perfect.  Your quotes and writings are absolutely wonderful and practical in daily life. Just wish I knew this when I was during my 20s… all the best for you.

Vahi Kilicci

Refreshing Morality

Ahhhh…refreshing morality. Something that seems to be lost recently among much of the martial art world.

R.C., Michigan

Like a Digital Handbook…

I want to thank you again Mr. Bohdi Sanders, that although we have never met in person, your writings are like a digital handbook that I can always refer to. I could not do it without you, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart. This is the lifestyle, I choose to pursue, and the people I choose to associate with!

Andreas Anastasopoulos

I Rank Dr. Bohdi Sanders’ Work With The Best

I thoroughly enjoyed Warrior: The Way of Warriorhood, as I have enjoyed Dr. Bohdi Sanders’ other works. In my capacity of conducting leadership workshops in the U. S. and abroad, I have had the opportunity to read much of the material on the market about leadership, teamwork, motivation, human behavior, and communication. I rank Dr. Bohdi Sanders’ work with the best of what’s on the market.

His books are motivational, instructional, and inspirational. They allow us to, through introspection, examine our principles as they relate to our understood roles in the society we live in. They are a great resource for those who desire to keep our society alive, vibrant, and moving forward.

Colonel Phil Torres is a life-long martial artist and competitive shooter. He currently holds the martial arts title of Hanshi.

Colonel Phil Torres
U.S. Marine Corps

Your Writings are Excellent…

For what it may be worth: Your writings are excellent. I might not agree with them all, but they all make me think, and that, to me, is more important than my immediate agreement. Your work reminds me of Johannes Kepler:
“I would rather face the sharpest criticism of a single intelligent man, than the thoughtless approval of the masses.”

Nik D., NY

You are Truly an Inspiration…

I’m sure you get e-mails like this all the time, but I still think it’s important to let people who’ve made an impact on your life know about it. Both of my parents are black belts. I’ve been studying martial arts since I was four years old. I hold a black belt in Tae Kwan Do, and I’ve studied kendo, wing chun, jujitsu, and akido. I consider myself to be a fairly adept martial artist, but you and people like you remind me how much farther I have to go. Your books inspire me to remain humble, and to continue honing my skills. Your teachings were among the things that helped me get through what was easily the worst part of my life, and now that I feel like I’m truly beyond it I felt like I should thank you. You are truly an inspiration, and you’re one of the people who makes me proud to be a martial artist.

Robbin Hair

Brings Light to Darkness…

You have freely, openly, lovingly gathered and shared wisdom in a way nobody else can. You have brought light to darkness and helps thousands on their journey through life. Mr. Bohdi Sanders you are an amazing human being. I respect and admire your thoughts!

Pearl Casurella

Should be Required Reading for All Martial Artists…

Dr. Sanders, I’ve been teaching kenpo since the early70s, and I feel your books should be required reading for all dedicated martial artists from all arts. Good job!

Ed Booze

Helped Restore My Hope and Strength…

Hi Master Sanders. I wanted to reach out and thank you for writing the books you have. They have taught me so much and have helped restore my hope and strength.

Kristin Elizabeth Stattel

Makes You Want to be A Better Individual…

Can’t tell you how much your writings have done for me. I read them everyday and I feel that it plays a big role in the individual I have turned into today. Thanks for what you have done with your writings and the way they impact other young guys like myself to strive and want to be better individuals. Thank you very much. Have a nice day!

Stanley Grissom

Always on Point…

As always you are so on point. Reading your work has kept me on path through some really rough times and I thank you for that!

Damian Asevedo

A Deeply Insightful Book…

Just finished reading my copy of Modern Bushido. Thank you for a deeply insightful book!

Tom Rodgers

You have Helped Me More than Anyone…

The things that you write, the things that you say, have helped me more than anyone I’ve known in my life. You are a true warrior. If you lived 4 centuries ago you would have rivaled the spirit of Miyamoto Musashi. Thank you for what you do.

Razmig Arek Kalanjian

Men Of The Code Is Sure To Become A Classic

I have read Dr. Sanders’ #1 bestseller, Modern Bushido: Living a Life of Excellence, and I can tell you that Men of the Code expands on Modern Bushido, going into even more detail and into more topics which are of vital importance to every man. I consider this book, not only timely, but extremely important. Men of the Code is sure to become a classic. I highly recommend this book. Every man should read it and every parent should use it to teach their sons how to become men.

Billy Matheny is currently in his tenth year as an instructor for the U.S. Air Force Security Forces. He served 20 years in the Air Force and 10 years as a law enforcement officer. He is also the owner and coach of one of the most successful MMA gyms in the country. Billy is also the author of the new book, The MMA Art of War.

Billy Matheny

Warrior Wisdom Was An Excellent Read

Reading Warrior Wisdom gave me inspiration, hope, encouragement and practical advice, not just about what the mindset of a martial arts warrior should be, but about life itself…Warrior Wisdom is a wonderful little book that packs a big punch…Warrior Wisdom was an excellent read in every way. I recommend it highly!

D.S., Florida

Great Book…

I have recently been given a copy of your book ‘Warrior Wisdom’ as a present to help inspire this worn out warrior as I go through the motions of rebuilding myself and I must say “Great Book!” It has really helped me in the last few days when things were getting tough….thanks for writing it brother!

Richard Askew


I just wanted to let you know that ever since my husband Ricco, began to read your book, ‘Modern Bushido’ Living a Life of Excellence, he has become quite different. I have ALWAYS known that he had the abilities to become an amazing gentleman. However, with your book, he has adopted a whole new way of thinking….and I LOVE IT!!! He is finally becoming the gentlemen warrior that I knew he could always be! So I would like to take this time to kindly say, ‘thank you sir’…..to thank you from the bottom of my heart. I have since begun to read the book myself, and we require our whole staff to read it as well. You are an amazing author. I truly appreciate you.

Bridget Brooklynn Cron-O'Neill

Should Be In Everyone’s Library

I think warrior wisdom should be in everyone’s library, warrior or not. There is a lot to think about in this book. It is not just witicisms for the martial artist but a way of thinking for the laymen as well.

V.J., Nebraska

I Love Your Writings…

I love your writings and more so that you share your wisdomwith me! Your a star Bohdi. Thank you!

Vicky Sutton

Hits The Nail Right On The Head!

Damn, brother this one hits the nail right on the head!

D.V., Germany

Your Books Helps Me…

I really enjoy your articles and values your teaching…Keep up the wonderful work….When I feel like things are spiraling I have to remember to ground myself again…And your books help see my faults as an individual and learn from my mistakes.

Jackson Lee

Always Right On Track

You are always right on track my friend. Thank you for being a candle in the darkness all eyes are drawn to you.

C.O., Texas

Absolutely Inspiring…

Absolutely inspiring! Thank you for your efforts to assist people like me, who knew there MUST be a way…but have somehow lost the path? This helps get me back on track.

Garrith B, Ireland

A Strong Positive Message…

You have a strong positive message and are using your writings to link people to more possibility in their LIVES! Keep up the positive work!

Kevin Seaman

You Are Invaluable!

I have a penchant for thought provoking ideas. I’m a rabid military history buff, but look forward to your writings-they keep my mind churning and my outlook on things
open-minded…Please, keep up the good work-you are invaluable!

D.S., Oklahoma

A Great Inspiration…

Thank you very much! I want to tell you you’re a great inspiration to many people. The world needs a lot more of you out there!

Sifu Ron Phillips

Sir, I continually take solace and inspiration in your writing. I am a second degree black belt in Ed Parker’s American Kenpo, fed law enforcement officer and also a recovering alcoholic. The peace, serenity and inspiration are spot on and it seems that you always write what I need to hear. Great work and thanks.

Bryan Bachmann

The Wisdom from Your Books is Amazing…

I love this so much that I put it as my profile picture. The wisdom I have obtained from your books is amazing and has changed my life. For that I thank you very much.

Ashton LaBrode

Wisdom and Direction…

Grateful for your wisdom and direction. Looking forward to another year of learning. Thank you for the impact you have had in my life. God bless you.

Pearl Casurella

It is Amazing!

My wife got me your book Warrior Wisdom: Ageless Wisdom for the Modern Warrior. It is amazing. The book arrived in the mail this afternoon. 2 hours later I have not moved from reading it. And I do not like to read so this says a lot. I will be purchasing your other books in time. Thank you for your thoughts!

Tyler Faught


Wow. You are very thorough in your research, and truly seek wisdom in all places. Excellent!

S.Y., Nevada

Thought-Provoking And Insightful

His books are not only memorable, but thought-provoking and insightful as well. I’m honored to be among the first few people to have read them.

The author’s succinct commentaries…helps you digest the information, understand the essence of warriorhood, and explore your own character as it relates to the topic…Sanders’ books are an excellent resource…It’s a thinking person’s guide to development as a martial artist, warrior, and human being. And, it’s something worth reading more than once.

Lawrence Kane ~ co-author of The Way of Kata, The Way to Black Belt, and The Little Black Book of Violence .

Lawrence Kane

Excellent Advice

Excellent advice, Bohdi. The wisdom is there, one just has to take advantage of it.

E.J., New Jersey

Saved My Mind…

I just wanted to message you and tell you that your book has saved my mind a few times… I am a Combat Medic out here in Afghanistan on my second tour and reading your book which I ordered has given me a lot to think about on those long boring guard duties and I am sure given me a measure of self discipline I sorely needed in those very hectic combat situations. So I was just dropping a line to say thank you

Phillip George

You have Changed My Life…

Bohdi Sanders I will forever be grateful for finding you and your books. You have changed my life and I will forever be a better person for the difference you have made in my life.

Cinnamon White

Much Respect…

I just wanted to say thank you.I have read most of your books and have found them to help me, not only in the martial arts, but also in every day life! Much respect!

Bret Smith, Great Britain

Your Books Point Me in the Right Direction…

Hi I couldn’t figure out how to thank you on Amazon, so I just wanted to send you a message. I am 29 years old and for the past year or so, actually for most of my life I have been going through a lot of things. Your books remind me to stay on my path and reiterate to me all of the characteristics of a warrior. My family is even noticing a change in me, as it took me a while to “grow up.” Your books point out the right ways to keep me on the right path. One thing I love especially is how you incorporate spirituality in your books/lessons. I just had to say thank you, for helping me keep on my path, and for taking the time to write. I have learned a lot and it truly makes a difference.

Bree Perry

I Got Way More Than I Bargained For

I was just looking for some light reading and I got way more than I bargained for in Warrior Wisdom. I had to reflect on and ponder each passage and contemplate how I could be a better person in my daily life through the application of Dr. Sander’s timeless insight.

C.T., Colorado

I Have To Say That I Love This Book

I have to say that I love this book, this is a book that everyone should keep nearby and read regularly as a reference for living.

D.O., New York

I Think You’re Awesome

I think you’re awesome, thank you again. You bring great relief to many of my mental roadblocks.

L.M., Wyoming

Cleansing My Mind and Soul…

Hi Bohdi, I wanted to drop you a note thanking you for being you! I came across your Japanese garden meditation video and had it looped all day…I have been going through a lot and my moods have been nothing but low. When I listened to it for the first time I cried and it was a different cry that I have ever felt, kinda felt like your music and words were (and still are)cleaning my mind and soul…When I read your words you bring me back into the now and I want to thank you SO much.

M.C., MA

Bohdi Sanders is Well Worth Reading!

Bohdi Sanders is well worth reading!

Marty Sharpe

I Consider You an Extraordinary Soul.

I honor, respect you, and consider you an extraordinary soul.

R.F., SC

Simply The Best…

Modern Bushido is, simply, the best work I’ve read on the lifelong effort to live a warrior’s lifestyle in this modern day and age. I bought a copy for my son and one for myself – Mine is not quite a year old, but it is already highlighted and paged thoroughly. Bohdi Sanders, your work is the best reference I have to go to when I’m questioning anything in my life or my sphere of influence, I can’t thank you enough for creating it.

Don Hall

Buy It, Read It, Live It

Bohdi Sanders’ books are about mental “technique,” that is the warrior mindset. He dissects scores of classical martial sayings and brings them into the clarity of our modern life. I think for many people when they read this work, they will realize a new and functional insight they did not previously enjoy…

You must endeavor to truly understand this reality in order to follow your truest and best path. His books are a fine tool to help you find that understanding in all its depth too.

“Buy it, read it, live it .”

Peyton Quinn ~ Author of: Freedom from Fear

Peyton Quinn

Your Writing Is Wonderful, Bodhi

Your writing is wonderful, Bodhi. Your research is amazing. J.P., Nevada * My friend once again you never stop amazing me with your insightful and sagely wisdom. N.K., Mississippi* Allowing these powerful words to sink in…and cultivate my mind and spirit. L.M., Florida* Thank You for your teachings. I will encourage my students to partake in your works of wisdom. keep up the GREAT Work.

S.D., Ohio

Your Words Inspire…

Your an inspiration brother, your words inspire and connect with me every time I read them!

Tyler Emmett

Truly Inspiring…

I have learned so much from you! Truly inspiring thank you from my heart!

Tracey Altham

Inspiring and Life Changing…

Dear Mr. Sanders, I’ve read a few of your book and your words are inspiring and life changing. My counselor talked to you about a group he had of juveniles and he called them the group of light. I was part of that group. And you wrote us a letter I still have it.

Lee H., FL


Mr. Sanders, Just want to give you an ataboy from a stranger, who is a real warrior who APPRECIATES what you do. OOH RAAH!

Augusto Hernandez

A Great Source of Encouragement and Inspiration…

Bohdi Sanders, I just want to let you know that your words and your books have been a great source of encouragement and inspiration to me lately. My family and I have been going through some very hard times, but having someone like you to encourage patience, perseverance, and a positive outlook means so much! Just want to say thank you!

Lori Robles

I’m a Huge Fan…

I’m a huge fan of your work. I was in law enforcement for fifteen years and recommended Modern Bushido to several of my fellow deputies!

Grant Richter

Helping Me On My Quest…

Thanks Dr. Sanders. Modern Bushido has been helping me on my quest and I recommended it to a friend of mine, an amazing Bagua martial artist who subsequently picked it up. Now I want my Dad, who was a warrior in his younger days, to brush up on things. Blessings on all of us and best regards from the beautiful garden city of Hangzhou China!

Leigh Hasan

I Love Your Books…

I just want to say I love your books and that they have helped me out a lot with life and dealing with my ptsd.

Sean Murphy

Great Books…

Reading from one of your great books is still a daily ritual for me Bohdi Sanders!! I greatly appreciate the value you add to my way of thinking!!

Bill Evans


Fantastic! This should be required reading for warriors and non-warriors alike.

J.D., Pennsylvania

Truly Inspirational…

They are  truly inspirational.

Eva Blomert

My Law Enforcement Code Ethics Curriculum is Based on Your Teachings.

I am a detective with the Riverside Sheriff’s Department, CA, and I teach a mentoring class at the Academy for the new recruits. 60 % of my Law Enforcement Code Ethics curriculum is based on your teachings. A more exact statement is what you have taught me.

N.G., CA

The Best I have Ever Seen…

Sensei, I bought your book and now it has already been delivered here in the Philippines. Then I read the chapter 1. I found myself as by reading all your writings, that makes me more matured by taking responsibilities. I think I could fight my immaturity, from now. Sensei.. you are the best sensei I ever seen. Thank you so much!

Arnold Archie Raagas Calomarde

A Brilliant Writer…

My name is Aaron Armstrong and I’m a 22 year old christian from northern Ireland. I just wanted to take a moment and thank you for writing your book ‘Modern Bushido.’ It is in my view an amazing book. I have never been able to sit down to read a book, but I enjoyed reading yours, every character was written well and gave myself a lot to think about. I have been brought up with the traits you talked about in your book from a christian perspective, but it has gave me more to think about and improve on. You are in my view a brilliant writer and I do hope that you continue to write more.

Aaron Armstrong

Brilliant Writer…

Dr. Sanders’ mind, intellect and wisdom are uncanny and make his writings a sword to cut through ignorance and misunderstanding. If you are in doubt, I suggest you follow O’sensei Dacascos’ advice, open to any page and read it. You will be compelled to read the others. Brilliant writer, cuts through the fog of doubt and confusion regarding who we are and our relationship with others, be they family or mortal enemies!

Kyoshi David Nielsen

Welcome to The Wisdom Warrior!

We encourage you to check out all of Dr. Bohdi Sanders' enlightening award-winning books and thought-provoking articles. They will guide you on your journey to live life to the fullest, with character, honor, and integrity.  Dr. Bohdi Sanders is known as the premier philosopher in the martial arts world. His writings on warrior philosophy and the warrior lifestyle has been called amazing, enlightening, and thought-provoking. If you want to improve your life and find purpose, peace, and meaning in life, you will absolutely love Bohdi Sanders' books!

You will also benefit by reading the numerous Blog Articles found on The Wisdom Warrior blog. Bohdi Sanders' article have been praised around the world for enlightening and thought provoking insights on philosophy, warrior philosophy, living a life of character, honor, and integrity, and on the martial arts. Bohdi Sanders' unique style and sharp insight motivates both men and women to live a superior lifestyle - The Warrior Lifestyle.

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