Martial Arts Wisdom is the most complete martial arts quote book on the market today. This enlightening book contains OVER 800 quotes, maxims, and stories, all specifically written for martial artists and warriors. Never before has any single book contained such an amazing amount of wisdom from so many different martial arts masters, sages, and enlightened teachers!

In Martial Arts Wisdom, you will learn the truth behind the martial arts, and martial arts philosophy straight from the masters. You will learn the importance of strategy, and the true seriousness of martial arts. The wisdom in this amazing book will guide you on your life path and help you live your life with honor, integrity and character.

Learn what the martial arts masters really thought about the martial arts. The valuable lessons in Martial Arts Wisdom will guide you on your journey through the martial arts and will teach you priceless wisdom on martial arts, self-defense, and living life to the fullest with gusto, honor, integrity, and character.

Martial Arts Wisdom is a must read for serious martial artists and warriors. It makes a perfect gift for martial artists, military personnel, law enforcement officers, or simply for yourself.