My Readers

Reinvigorated Me…

Master Bohdi, ever since I first heard of your name and read your wisdom and teachings, I have gained a better understanding of what it really means to be a warrior and a man. Your teachings and hard work helped shake me out of that stupor and reinvigorated with me with the ethos of ancient cultures like the Spartans, the samurai, and the Native Americans. For all this and so much more, you have my deepest thanks and gratitude. I look forward to reading more of your work!

Christopher Manza

I Love Your Writings…

I love your writings and more so that you share your wisdomwith me! Your a star Bohdi. Thank you!

Vicky Sutton

Your Books Helps Me…

I really enjoy your articles and values your teaching…Keep up the wonderful work….When I feel like things are spiraling I have to remember to ground myself again…And your books help see my faults as an individual and learn from my mistakes.

Jackson Lee

Great Books…

Reading from one of your great books is still a daily ritual for me Bohdi Sanders!! I greatly appreciate the value you add to my way of thinking!!

Bill Evans

Wisdom and Direction…

Grateful for your wisdom and direction. Looking forward to another year of learning. Thank you for the impact you have had in my life. God bless you.

Pearl Casurella

I’m Blown Away…

Dear Mr Sanders, my fiancé ordered me Martial Arts Wisdom and Modern Bushido. Wow, I knew they would be good, but I’m blown away! Keep up the good work sir.

Duane Bark

The Best I have Ever Seen…

Sensei, I bought your book and now it has already been delivered here in the Philippines. Then I read the chapter 1. I found myself as by reading all your writings, that makes me more matured by taking responsibilities. I think I could fight my immaturity, from now. Sensei.. you are the best sensei I ever seen. Thank you so much!

Arnold Archie Raagas Calomarde

Your Empowering Writings have Saved My Life…

I just wanted to say thank you for the inspiration and wisdom you pass along. In part your empowering writings have saved my life. I have been living with a chronic illness for over a decade and though I’m not feeling better physically and your goal was not directly related to people with diseases I was able to conjure up enough motivation to take proactive steps in bettering my life financially, finding better doctors and health care options and moving towards a possible treatment. I cannot thank you enough for this and though I do not know you personally I will never forget how I have grown as a person. Please know that your reaching more than just warriors on a physical battlefield.

Raven Evermore

Life Changing…

Hello master Bohdi. Hope all is well with you and your family. I have told a lot of people about your books. They have really changed a lot of people’s lives, thank you for your dedication, you have a true gift.

Kyle Mcgee

Thank You Master Bohdi…

Thank you Master Bohdi. You are a wonderful man, you inspire a lot of people, don’t change!!! God takes extra time making a few extra soldiers and he broke a mold with you. Believe that, stay true with your beliefs…he blessed you dearly!

Kyle Mcgee Chisam

Have Read Modern Bushido So Many Times…

I read Modern Bushido to my 10 year old son. We have read it so many times now, we just choose our favorite chapters and go over them before bed. It goes a long way to our survival and helps us to focus more on what we are capable of in life. He is now a blue belt in Kung Fu and I’m back at Uni, all because of this mentality and way of life.

Janet Payne


Dr. Sanders, I am a HUGE Fan of your books and knowledge that you write. I would like to ask your permission to add some of my favorite posts to my Wordpress… I wanted to ask out of respect and hopefully bring some more fans to you and the knowledge you drop.

Draco Shadowmourne