My Readers

Sir, I continually take solace and inspiration in your writing. I am a second degree black belt in Ed Parker’s American Kenpo, fed law enforcement officer and also a recovering alcoholic. The peace, serenity and inspiration are spot on and it seems that you always write what I need to hear. Great work and thanks.

Bryan Bachmann

Daily Motivation…

Just wanted to tell you I have great respect for what you do and enjoy reading your writing. People do not realize that there is evil in this world and you have to keep your mind strong knowing one day that you might have to be the one to stop that evil act. I have been a police officer for over 20 years and do know that this evil is there. Stay strong and keep writing, I look forward to it for my daily motivation!!!

Travis Crouch

Your Work is Incredible…

Your work is incredible! I feel blessed to have found it. Diagnosed with depression and PTSD, learning how my mind truly works and the power I contain is the most challenging thing I’ve ever had to do. What u share deeply assists me in this. THANK YOU! Peace and Blessings.

QH Vaughan III

I Apply it to My Daily Life…

I can’t wait to read the new book when it comes out. I have applied a lot of what you have written to my daily life. It has made me a better Supervisor and Father. I am a Correctional Officer and after working a 12 hour shift your a little stressed at times. Usually one of the first thing I do when I get home is ready a few quotes and meditate. Again Thank you.

Brian Everett

Your Words and Spirit have Become My Inspiration…

Thanks Bohdi your words are like that of an angels wings upon me,watching and guiding over me.Your words and spirit have become my inspiration!!

Angela Gurung Ne Pountney

Saved My Mind…

I just wanted to message you and tell you that your book has saved my mind a few times… I am a Combat Medic out here in Afghanistan on my second tour and reading your book which I ordered has given me a lot to think about on those long boring guard duties and I am sure given me a measure of self discipline I sorely needed in those very hectic combat situations. So I was just dropping a line to say thank you

Phillip George

Great Book…

I have recently been given a copy of your book ‘Warrior Wisdom’ as a present to help inspire this worn out warrior as I go through the motions of rebuilding myself and I must say “Great Book!” It has really helped me in the last few days when things were getting tough….thanks for writing it brother!

Richard Askew

Amazing Books…Huge Fan…

Please, please check out this guy’s amazing books and to a martial artist like myself…I am definitely honored. One day I’m going to meet this guy…a dream come true! I promise you. I just wanted to show my respect and I wanted to say thank you sir for all that you do. You have changed the way I look at life. I am a huge fan of yours. I won’t bother you too much cause I know your a busy guy. You have my up most respect!

Keith Hagen

This Book Changed My Life…

This book changed my life. Please keep posting more of this daily inspirational articles. It means a lot to me.

Adrian Lee

Simply The Best…

Modern Bushido is, simply, the best work I’ve read on the lifelong effort to live a warrior’s lifestyle in this modern day and age. I bought a copy for my son and one for myself – Mine is not quite a year old, but it is already highlighted and paged thoroughly. Bohdi Sanders, your work is the best reference I have to go to when I’m questioning anything in my life or my sphere of influence, I can’t thank you enough for creating it.

Don Hall

Powerful and Inspiring…A Work of Genius…

Hello Dr. Sanders, I just bought a copy of your book: “Modern Bushido,” and it is powerful and inspiring! It is like having a martial arts master sitting right next to you. Thank you for a work of genius!


Rev. Dr. Steve Godjas


I just wanted to let you know that ever since my husband Ricco, began to read your book, ‘Modern Bushido’ Living a Life of Excellence, he has become quite different. I have ALWAYS known that he had the abilities to become an amazing gentleman. However, with your book, he has adopted a whole new way of thinking….and I LOVE IT!!! He is finally becoming the gentlemen warrior that I knew he could always be! So I would like to take this time to kindly say, ‘thank you sir’… thank you from the bottom of my heart. I have since begun to read the book myself, and we require our whole staff to read it as well. You are an amazing author. I truly appreciate you.

Bridget Brooklynn Cron-O'Neill