My Readers

Common Sense Writings…

Dear Master Sanders, I have been a martial artist for over 30 years and have yet to experience common sense writings like yours. Keep up the good work. I truly enjoy sharing the gems you write with my students and staff.

Master William Winkler

Bohdi Sanders is a blessing to the human race, and he shares his wisdom on a daily basis. All you have to do is listen/read. I have never taken one martial arts class, but I am a better man, husband, and father because of lessons that he has taught me.

John Showalter

Complexity in Simplicity…

I just wanted to take a minute to tell you what a difference your books have made in my life and in my training. I purchased a full set of books from you several months ago and my instructor and I have used them a great deal. Initially we just read them together. Since that time he has used them in my training. Each week I use a single chapter of one of your books ( Warrior Wisdom) and read that same chapter every day. I spend time thinking on the concept and idea throughout the week. Most of the subjects, when looked at individually, are quite simple. Yet, I have learned that there is much complexity in simplicity. I see so many changes in who I am and I am finding that I respect myself so much more than I once did.

Maggi Melton

Such an Inspiration…

You are such and inspiration to me as a young warrior! Thank you for all the positive writings, I have not missed one yet!

Kyle Vorster

Cleansing My Mind and Soul…

Hi Bohdi, I wanted to drop you a note thanking you for being you! I came across your Japanese garden meditation video and had it looped all day…I have been going through a lot and my moods have been nothing but low. When I listened to it for the first time I cried and it was a different cry that I have ever felt, kinda felt like your music and words were (and still are)cleaning my mind and soul…When I read your words you bring me back into the now and I want to thank you SO much.

M.C., MA

Enhanced My Awareness…

I feel influenced by Dr. Bohdi Sanders plus others, who have enhanced an awareness of my responses to challenging situations. I am not a Martial Artist, but his writings and feelings have shown better ways of dealing with lifes ups and downs so I remain my own person – Thank You!

Bonnie Sholl

Beautiful and Moving…

Mr. Sanders, my name is Charity and I have just recently been reading some of your writings…and let me say they were beautiful and moving. I am 31 yrs old and I have recently stopped drinking. I am almost 3 weeks sober now. I am also an addict and have been clean from that for 10 plus yrs now. I just wanted you to know that some of your writings have really helped me thru some tough days. Thank you.

Charity Matlock


Mr. Sanders, Just want to give you an ataboy from a stranger, who is a real warrior who APPRECIATES what you do. OOH RAAH!

Augusto Hernandez

The Warrior Wisdom is Truly A Gift…

Mr. Sanders, I just want to say, I think your great! Thank you for all the great writings. God bless you in all your writing and life. Warrior Wisdom is truly a gift! Keep up the good work.

Ivan Bonet

Truly Inspirational…

They are  truly inspirational.

Eva Blomert

Inspiring Writings…

I can’t thank you enough for your inspiring writings. I lost my son at age four in 2009. I have tried everything to help cope with his death but found myself falling deeper into depression. Then a friend recommended your books. I read your writings every day for inspiration. The pain will always be hard after losing my son but your words always help me realize I need to keep living. Thank you again.

Amy OBryan-Lenhard

The Response from the Kids is Overwhelming – Magnificent…

Dr. Sanders – I am the clinical director at a juvenile detention center (most kids are here for 6 months plus – sent by their probation offices), and have recently introduced several of your books to them.  The response from the kids has been overwhelming – and am now daily being asked for more copies by the kids. Our kids are really responding to your book and talk of “Dr.Sanders” and the “Code / Lifestyle” at every group (therapy) we have.  Thanks tremendously – keep up your effort.  It is magnificent.



Ruben M. Aguirre