Shawn Rhodes interviews Dr. Bohdi Sanders on Awaken the Inner Warrior.
Shawn Rhodes interviews Dr. Bohdi Sanders on Awaken the Inner Warrior. From Shawn Rhodes... "Dr. Bohdi Sanders granted me an interview too good to keep [...]
It is better to be a tiger for one day than a sheep for a thousand years. Tibetan Maxim
It is better to be a tiger for one day than a sheep for a thousand years. Tibetan Maxim This is an interesting maxim from [...]
Self-Improvement: The Cornerstone of Warriorhood
You can’t improve anything if you don’t first know what needs to be improved. Bohdi Sanders Once you know what needs to be improved or [...]
MODERN BUSHIDO 58 Weeks in the TOP 10!
MODERN BUSHIDO 58 Weeks in the TOP 10! Modern Bushido has been in the TOP 10 for 58 weeks on's Best Sellers List and [...]
Warrior Preparedness
Remember how lucky you are to live in a time of peace and plenty, but prepare for worse times. Code of the Samurai Most of [...]
Why should the warrior seek to be self-reliant?
Do not rely completely on any other human being… We meet all life’s greatest tests alone. Agnes Macphail Why should the warrior seek [...]
MODERN BUSHIDO is NOW AVAILABLE on Kindle! Modern Bushido HIT #1 on's BEST SELLERS LIST 9 times this year and has been in [...]
The Price of Excellence is Discipline
The price of excellence is discipline. William Arthur Ward If the price of excellence is discipline, then you must have discipline to live a [...]
Never Quit on Your Dreams!
Never Quit on Your Dreams! Crawling is acceptable. Falling is acceptable. Blood is acceptable. Pain is acceptable. Quitting is NOT acceptable. When you have a [...]