Sun Tzu Strategies for Bushido, Budo, Warriors, Martial Arts

Devious Strategies to Defeat Your Enemies

Attack where he is unprepared;
move when he does not expect you.
Sun Tzu


The secret to success is having a strategy and knowing when to move, and when to be patient and wait for the perfect time to make your move. If you know your enemy, and then plan your strategy around that knowledge, you can easily attack where he is not prepared and move when he does not expect you to move.

But there is another part to this strategy as well – the mental warfare side. Not only do you want to attack where he is unprepared and move when he does not expect you, but you also want to make him think that you are going to attack, when you are not. Make him think that you are about to make your move, when you have no plans of moving at that time. This strategy will prey on his mind, drain his mental and physical energy, and irritate him to the point that he will make mistakes.

Keep your enemy on his heels. Play the game in such a way that you are completely unpredictable, and it will drive your enemy crazy trying to figure out what you will do next. Never allow him to relax. When he tries to relax, that is when you hit him hard. When he is strong and ready, sit back, be patient, and relax while he is stress, pumped up, and ready to go. Attack your enemy’s mind, and many times, he will defeat himself.

This is a time-tested strategy that has been used throughout the ages. Never let your enemy know when or where you will attack. When your enemy doesn’t know when or where you will attack, he has to be prepared for an attack at all times, and he has to try to shore up his defenses in multiple places. This is exhausting for him. It tires him out, it frustrates him, and at times, it enrages him. That is when you have him exactly where you want him.

Once you have angered him, he is on his way to defeat. An angry man cannot think straight; he is not able to see things rationally, and he will make mistakes. This is why the ancient Celts used to raise their kilts and taunt their enemies. It was akin to standing in front of them and the whole army giving them the finger and daring them to do something about it. It was a big SCREW YOU to the opposing army, and was insulting and greatly angered them. The angry warrior is highly susceptible to making mistakes.

Sun Tzu also taught that, in strategy, secrecy is of the utmost importance. If the enemy knows what you have planned, it is easy to counter your attack. Keep your strategy secret. Always keep your enemies guessing. The stress associated with knowing that they are going to get hit hard, but not knowing when, where or how, really takes its toll of your enemies.

This strategy keeps your enemy’s fight-or-flight response activated constantly. When someone’s fight-or-flight response is activated, the overall effect is that your body speeds up, tenses up, and you become very alert. Your body releases adrenaline and noradrenalin into the bloodstream, and these stress hormones causes an increase in the heart rate and in blood pressure. At the same time, your body releases over 30 different hormones that prepare the body for a threat.

These changes, and the hormones released into the body, have many effects on the body that are essential at the time that you need them, but are very detrimental to the body if the body is continually in the fight-or-flight response mode.

  • Your heart rate and blood pressure increase
  • Your pupils dilate and you start to have tunnel vision
  • Blood glucose levels increase
  • Muscles tense up
  • Nonessential systems like your digestion and your immune system shut down
  • You will have trouble focusing on small task, as you brain is focus only on the threat
  • Cortisol (the stress hormone) levels increase

All of these responses are meant to help you survive during a dangerous situation by preparing your body to either run for safety or to fight for your life. And, during a dangerous situation, the fight-or-flight response is exactly what you need. But, our bodies are not designed to be the fight-or-flight response mode constantly.

This is where this strategy is effective for the warrior. By making sure that your enemy knows that you are going to attack him, but never letting him know when the attack will come, how it will come, or where it will come, he remains in the fight-or-flight stage constantly, or at least on and off for long periods of time. Not only does this drain him mentally, but it also takes a big toll on his body, affecting his digestion, thus nutritional intake, his immune system, which is tied into his digestive system, his muscles start to get knotted up, his heart rate is increased, and I can guarantee you that his blood pressure will be through the roof.

His cortisol levels will consistently stay high, causing even more problems for your enemy. High levels of cortisol are responsible for:

  • Impaired cognitive performance
  • Lower thyroid function
  • Blood sugar imbalances
  • Sleep disruption
  • Decreased muscle mass
  • Elevated blood pressure
  • Lowered immune function
  • Slow wound healing
  • Increased abdominal fat

All of these things weaken your enemy, both mentally and physically, making it easier for you to defeat him at the time of your choosing.

When it comes to an enemy which you must defeat, you must use good strategy and use everything at your disposal. Too many warriors only look at defeating their enemies on a physical level, which is important too, but it should not be your only strategy. Use every strategy at your disposal. Keep him guessing. Keep him stressed out. Keep him angered.

Soon, the combination of all of these things will start to get to him. He will grow impatient, irritated, angry, and rash; and he will make mistakes and provide you with the opening that you need to defeat him.

Be patient and work your strategy. Don’t feel that you have to defeat your enemy immediately. Strike when he is unprepared, drained, and out of sorts. Move when he least expects it. Don’t let him relax unless you want him to relax, and when he does, move with overwhelming force.

Bohdi Sanders
author of the