Man meditating by Fire
As you evolve, you will make
a lot of people uncomfortable.
Evolve anyway!

Don’t allow the opinions of others to hold you back from what you want to be. When you start living your life your way, a lot of people will not like it. It will upset some people and others will actively try to convince you that you are wrong. Live your life your way anyway!

Refuse to give up on your path because of the opinions of others. Refuse to be swayed by those who do not walk in your shoes and do not understand your journey. Opinions are a dime a dozen and most have no value in achieving your goals.

You do not owe anyone any justifications or explanations about how you live your life. Just keep evolving and becoming the person that you know in your heart you should be.

Bohdi Sanders
from the new book
The Art of Inner Peace