The greatest prison people live in is the fear of what other people think. Bohdi Sanders wisdom
The greatest prison people live in is
the fear of what other people think.

Have you ever noticed how many people make the majority of their decisions based on what other people might think about them? They pick out what clothes they wear according to what others might be wearing or in order to fit in. They refuse to wear certain things because others might look down on them. They watch what they say in public because their real thoughts might offend someone, etc.

So many decisions are made in fear of what other people might think. Political correctness is simply “the fear of what other people might think” taken to extremes. Now many college campuses even have a list of words that students are not suppose to use because they might offend someone else. This is madness!

Once you have reached a certain of level of self-confidence and have come to a decision about who you truly are, you stop worrying about what other people think. When this happens, you free yourself from the prison of what others think about you, and you simply think, act and speak as your true self. This is very freeing and will instantly reduce your stress level.

Many of us do not achieve what we could in life because we are constantly worried about what others will think of our actions or our words. If you have ever noticed, most of the people who have achieved greatness in life, do so without worrying about what others think about them. They simply do what they are passionate about and do it their way. If they were always concerned about what others thought, they would have never taken the chances required to become someone extraordinary.

The word “extraordinary” means very unusual or remarkable. Most people prefer to remain ordinary because it does not draw attention to them; they blend in by looking and acting like everyone else. Only those who are confident enough to be unusual or remarkable risk accomplishing something extraordinary in their life.

Stop worrying about what other people think and decide who you want to be, and then be that person. Worrying about what other people think puts you in chains and limits what you can do because you are constrained by fitting in the mold that others make for you. Break out of that mold and become independent of the thoughts of others.

What other people think about you is none of your business and shouldn’t stop you from achieving what you are meant to achieve. Have the courage to live by your own rules and your own code. This is the way of the warrior. Warriors don’t conform; they live by their code, no matter what others think about it.

Bohdi Sanders
Author of the NEW BOOK
The Art of Inner Peace