Toxic Masculinity - Bohdi Sanders
Toxic Masculinity?
You mean the reason your ancestors
weren’t eaten by wolves?

The new catch phrase today in the snowflake circles is “toxic masculinity.” Essentially, this is just the most recent attack on men, or more specifically, masculine men. I wrote about Hollywood’s attacks on men several years back in my book, Men of the Code, and it has only gotten worse since then. You can see these attacks on masculinity in commercials, movies, television shows, the news media, magazines, and in today’s left-wing politics. It is sickening!

Let’s get one thing straight right now – there is no such thing as “toxic masculinity,” period! It is a totally bogus idea thought up by those who hate men and want to see men become feminine wimps. The people who push this bogus concept hate warriors, they hate our military, and they hate men who act like real men. They prefer men who act like fragile little teapots, wimps, blimps, and pansies. Give me a break!
I have no issues with anyone living his or her life as they see fit. You can dress in leotards and dresses, and be as big a wimp as you want to be, as far as I am concerned; as long as you are not hurting anyone else, that is your business. But this concept of toxic masculinity is actually hurting our children and young men who do not have role models and who believe what these idiots tell them. And make no mistake about it, this concept is being pushed in our public schools today.

Wikipedia defines toxic masculinity like this, “the concept of toxic masculinity is used in psychology and gender studies to refer to refer to certain norms of masculine behavior in North America and Europe that are associated with harm to society and to men themselves. Traditional stereotypes of men as socially dominant, along with related traits such as misogyny and homophobia, can be consider ‘toxic’ due in part to their promotion of violence, including sexual assault and domestic violence. The socialization of boys often normalizes violence, such as in saying ‘boys will be boys’ with regard to bullying and aggression.”

Now, if you can’t see the agenda in that definition, then you need to visit your optometrist! It is merely an attack on the Western man, which Hollywood and the political left-wing continue to disparage if they do not conform to the traits that they believe people, particularly men, should have in today’s world. And these people know that the best way to attack masculinity is to start in the public school system, which is exactly what they are now doing, and have been doing for several years.

As you will see from that definition, the people who push this bogus concept only mention North America and Europe, which means they essentially focus on how bad white men are. They do not say anything about the Middle East, South America, Asia, etc. So according to the “bastions of knowledge,” it is only the Western man who has issues with masculinity being a problem, although many of these other cultures are much more focused on the traits mentioned as “toxic” in their definition. It is simply an attack on our culture, our boys, and men in general, period.

Toxic masculinity is a bogus theory made up by the same people who hate America and believe we are an evil force on the world. These people hate what America stands for, they hate our values, they hate individualism and Patriotism, and they hate real men who conduct themselves like men. And they are going after your sons and grandsons through the public school system in order to fundamentally change men in our country. If you don’t believe me, take a good hard look at what is going on in the public schools today. As a teacher, I can tell you that it is being shoved down your children’s throats, despite what you may believe.

Just this week I saw a report of a young boy being ridiculed by his teacher because he stated that there was no such thing as toxic masculinity. Almost daily, I hear in the news about this or that Democrat politician complaining about another “old, white man” being in this office or that office, as if there is something wrong with being a white man. But this is the attitude of Hollywood and the left-wing in America today. They hate men, particularly white men, and they don’t even try to hide it anymore.

It is time for every clear-thinking American to stand up against this assault on our culture, our way of life, and our children. Quit laughing these attacks off, as if they are meaningless psychobabble only believed by nut jobs and morons. Although it may seem like psychobabble to you, I can assure you that it is an organized attack on men and boys in our culture; and taking it as a joke is the equivalent of underestimating your enemy. He who underestimates his enemy will soon be defeated by him!

Teach your sons and daughters not to believe much of what is taught in schools, in the media, and in movies, commercials, and on television. Teach them to question authority and not to simply accept everything they are told because it is told to them by a teacher, administrator, or someone else in authority. Today’s children are essentially being brainwashed by these people and make no mistake about it, it is intentional.
Consider this, your children spend eight hours a day in schools and when they are home, how much time do you spend addressing or correcting the misinformation which is being taught to them for 40 hours a week, week after week, year after year. These people know that this is their advantage and that if they start as early as kindergarten and first grade, they can fundamentally change the way your children think, regardless of what you want or what you believe. You must fight against it or your children will be lost.

Teach your boys to be men of the code. Teach them that there is a time and a place for violence and that it is not only alright to stand for your convictions, but is a vital part of being a real man. Teach them how these people seek to control and warp their minds, so they will be able to recognize these people’s attempts to manipulate their thought processes. Give them the self-confidence to question authority and to not accept something simply because some low-rent teacher advocates it.

Teach them that it is okay to be a manly man instead of the wimpy, girly man or overgrown boy that our society is now pushing boys to be. Teach them to be men of honor, character, and integrity, and to follow their convictions. Teach them to always do what is right no matter what the consequences may be. Teach them to protect and provide for their family, to think for themselves, and give them the wisdom to see things for what they really are instead of taking everything at face value.

There is a war happening now and your sons are in the cross-hairs. Ignoring a threat is never a good self-defense strategy; you must see the threat and respond accordingly. While you laugh about what idiots these people are, they are working hard behind the scenes to manipulate the mind and spirit of every boy and young man in our country. Never underestimate your enemies! It is time to stand against these people’s assaults on men, boys, and our way of life!

Bohdi Sanders
author of the #1 Bestseller
MEN of the CODE