Dragon - Train to Become a Warrior - Bohdi Sanders
You train to become a warrior, not a fighter.
The warrior knows the hell he can let loose,
so he chooses the path of peace and respect.
Kanishka Sharma

As I look at today’s martial arts world, it is evident that the vast majority of today’s martial artists have neglected balance in their training. Most either train for fun and competition, or to obtain fighting skills, but they seem to have forgotten the need to train their mind and spirit as well. There is a big difference between training for competition, training to be a fighter, and training to become a true warrior.

Little kids can train to compete against each other; there is nothing special about that. You can train dogs and roosters to fight, that doesn’t make them warriors. Training to become a warrior goes much further than competitive training or training to be a fighter.

The warrior trains to develop skills that he will use throughout his life. He balances his fighting skills with philosophy and spiritual practices. He knows how dangerous his skills are, but chooses to live a life a peace and respect, instead of a life of violence. The warrior understands how rare it is to actually need to use his martial arts skills in life. He knows that he will use his spiritual training and wisdom much more often, so he trains those areas just as seriously.

Fools train to fight; wise men train to become warriors. As the old saying goes, it is better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war. The warrior can always call on his martial arts skills if needed, but the gardener has no reserves to call upon. Train to become balanced so that you have all the skills you need to live a successful, powerful life of honor and integrity.

Training for competition or to be a fighter neglects the skills that you will use 99% of the time. The warrior can always choose to compete, and can always call upon his martial arts skills in times of need. But the figher who neglects philosophy and spiritual training is neglecting the most important parts of his training. Warrior up and train for life!

Bohdi Sanders
author of the new book
DEFIANCE: Exposing the Dark Side of the Martial Arts