Get Your Shit Together
Get your SHIT together!

S – Self-Care
H – Happiness
I – Inner Peace
T – Time

We now live in a world which is so fast-paced, hectic, and stressful that many of us neglect the most important things in life. It is as if we simply don’t know how to get off the hamster wheel or don’t know how to leave the rat race and actually take care of ourselves. We are constantly going and going until we finally crash, recover just enough to continue, and get back into the craziness of a life we didn’t want to live in the first place.

It seems that most people have their priorities out of whack. The things that truly matter take a back seat to things which seem more important. We need to get our SHIT together and focus on what’s important in our life!

S – Self-Care

We have all heard the old truism that you can’t share tea with anyone else if your teapot is empty. This is so true! If you don’t take the time to care for yourself first, you will have nothing to share with anyone else. If you are always run down and exhausted, how are you going to help others on their path? How are you going to be able to protect others if you are always training to the point that you can hardly move afterwards or that you are always dealing with injuries? You can’t!

You must take the time to take care of yourself. Don’t rely on other people to do this for you, they won’t. Others people will push you as far as you allow them to, or until you totally crash. You must learn how to say, “No!” Put your self-care first, only then will you be in any condition to help others when they need help.

H- Happiness

Most of us were taught that there are things in life that we must do whether we like them or not, like going to work to make money. What we should have been taught was that if you are passionate about your life and follow your passion, you will find a way to make a living and be happy at the same time. If you have a job that you absolutely despise and you only live for the weekend, something is out of balance in your life.

We are not here to merely trade our lives for money, working in a job that makes our boss happy, while we are miserable five days a week. You must build a life for yourself that includes finding ways to be happy everyday, not one or two days a week. Start making your happiness a priority, not a rarity!

I- Inner Peace

The Dalai Lama teaches us to never allow anyone or anything to disrupt our inner peace. This might seem like an impossible task, but it is actually easier than you might think. When you learn to control your emotions and your thoughts, it becomes much easier to protect your inner peace. The trick is being careful when it comes to what you focus on.

Keep your focus on what actually matters, and you won’t allow the rude behavior of others to disrupt your inner peace. In the end, what other people think, say or do, cannot affect your spirit unless YOU allow it to. This can be a hard lesson to learn, but it is an important one. Stop giving others the power to disrupt your inner peace!

T – Time

Life gets much less hectic when you learn to properly manage your time. When you are constantly running late and rushing, you add unnecessary stress to your life. Do what is necessary to start managing your time better. This includes learning to say no instead of allowing everyone else to infringe on your time as they will.

Having the courage to say no is a very important skill. Most people are too concerned about what others may think of them, so they bend over backwards trying to please everyone. Stop it! Be yourself and get YOUR SHIT together first.

Once you have your life in order, then you will have more to give to others. Always remember, you can’t share tea with your friends or family if you teapot is always empty. It is time to start making sure that your teapot is full.

Bohdi Sanders
author of
Defensive Living: The Other Side of Self-Defense