Viking Warrior Woman with Sword - Bohdi Sanders Quotes
You must see things as they are,
not as you want them to be
or how you wish they were.
Bohdi Sanders

Predators are not concerned with society’s rules. They scoff at honor or the idea of fighting fair. You may not believe this, but there are people in this world that would kill you for less than $10. They do not place the same value on life that you and I do.

These people live by a totally different set of rules than the rest of society. They have no empathy for you or anyone else; all they care about is satisfying their own desires at that moment. And they are willing to kill you to satisfy those desires! You need to understand this if you ever find yourself face-to-face with one of these guys.

I cannot stress this fact enough – these people do not think like you and I. Their minds work differently. They see the world through a whole different lens. You cannot make everyone in this world fit neatly into your idea of what the world should be or how people should act. You must see things as they are, not as you want them to be or how you wish they were.

If you think that some street thug is going to fight honorably, you are sorely mistaken. They will use any weapon they can to take you down. Therefore, you must be willing to do the same, if you ever find yourself in a life-or-death encounter with one of these people. Bruce Lee put it this way, “A man strikes you, make him bleed. He makes you bleed; you break his bones. He breaks your bones, kill him. Being hit is inevitable, strike back twice as hard.”

You must be willing to attack his eyes, his throat, bust his eardrums, destroy his knees, destroy the pubic symphysis, crush the testicles, you get the point. These targets are easy to kick or strike on a heavy bag or BOB bag, but when it comes to real life applications, it is another thing entirely. You have to prepare your mind for doing that kind of injury to another human being; and that can be tricky.

Bohdi Sanders
excerpt from the 2-volume book series
Secrets of the Martial Arts Masters