Samurai with Sword - Bohdi Sanders
The friend of your
enemy is your enemy;

just as the enemy of your
friend is your enemy.

Bohdi Sanders

Today’s world has little to no concept of true loyalty. Everything seems to be looked at in political terms or as situational. The vast majority of people only think in terms of “what’s best for me.” This has become especially true in the martial arts world, which is one of the most cutthroat communities I have ever been a part of.

People will call you “friend” or “brother” one day, and then stab you in the back the next. The majority of martial artists, that I have observed, have the loyalty of a $5 hooker; if someone offered them a new belt rank or fancy title to turn on you, then brother, you had better watch your back!

These people are driven by out-of-control egos and the desire for a little fame in a small community, which is the equivalent of being a medium sized fish in a small mud hole. They have almost completely left character, honor, honesty, integrity, loyalty, and courage out of their “martial arts” agenda. They talk the talk, but never get around to walking the walk!

Just this week, I was “encouraged” to turn a blind eye to someone who has outright lied, stabbed people in the back, and supported a fraud and a criminal. I heard comments about how “powerful” this person is in the martial arts world and how it would be politically smart to just give in to this person, etc.

This well-known twit even tried to convince me to turn my back on one of my friends because “he has a bad reputation in the martial arts world and it would be better for me.” Then this person proceeded to lie about my friend, and when I did not cater to this person’s wishes, I was then a target of this person’s lies. Then the truth came out – this person had become a friend of my enemy and was scheming to exonerate a well-known fraud.

Well, I don’t roll that way! When this person told me I should “not be friends with Mr. X,” I told this spineless political coward exactly what I thought of that suggestion. You see, I live by a different code than most people in today’s martial arts world, and our world in general. I live with honor and I am loyal to my friends. You can’t buy me off with martial arts politics, the offer of rank, free advertising, or some bullshit martial arts title.

When you stand against my friend, you stand against me; if you attack my brother, you attack me. If you are supporting and aiding my enemy, then you ARE my enemy. The friend of my enemy is my enemy; just as the enemy of my friend is my enemy!

I don’t play martial arts politics; I don’t turn my back on someone when I give me word or my friendship. I will leave that to those in the martial arts world who have become void of character, honor, integrity, and loyalty. I don’t play the game that way; and I don’t give a shit whether you like it or lump it! If that means I am not a part of your little “fraternity,” I can live with that. I don’t sell out to buy your temporary approval!

In dealing with a touchy situation this week, I was “encouraged” by several people to just smooth things over and play along, to turn my back on a friend in order to please the powers that be. Yeah, right…when Hell freezes over!

When things got dicey this week, one friend told me that, “If all hell break loose, just disavow me. Your reputation is more important to me.” My response was, “That won’t be happening. I don’t turn my back on my friends or my family, ever! I stand by my brothers to the death!” And I meant every word of it.

You see, that’s the difference between me and some of these “martial arts celebrities” and “martial arts wannabes.” They will whore themselves out or stab their “friend” in the back for a cheap plastic trophy; I won’t sell my friends out for a million dollars.

My path is the path of honor, character, integrity, and loyalty; the other path is the path of the sellout, someone who will sell or trade his or her honor cheaply for a little celebrity, a stroke of the ego, or in some vain attempt to “climb the ladder.”

Never trust someone who is willing to sell their honor. If someone is willing to sell his honor, he is capable of doing anything to anyone at anytime. He is not to be trusted in any situation. His only loyalty is to himself; he is for sale to the higher bidder.

I don’t roll that way. I never have and I never will. If you have a problem with who I am friends with or how I live my life, I won’t sell out and cower down to you; I will simply tell you to kiss my ass and hit the road. My loyalty to my friends and family is unwavering. My honor is not for sale! If you stand against my brother, you have just made an enemy of me. That is just the way I roll.

I guess my rigid stance on these things is why I don’t fit in with most people in today’s world, either in the martial arts community or in the general population; but it is not my goal to fit in with people who lack honor or integrity. I can live with not fitting in as long as I can look the man in the mirror in the eyes without shame or regret.

I live by a code that most can’t comprehend and that is fine with me. I was not put on this earth to live my life your way. Bohdi Sanders is not for sale and anyone who has a problem with that, well, frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn!

Bohdi Sanders
author of the bestsellers
Modern Bushido and Men of the Code