Lone Wolf Walking - Bohdi Sanders
The hardest walk you can make
is the walk you make alone, but that
is the walk that makes you the strongest.
Bohdi Sanders

I have walked alone for so long that I hardly know any other way. It seems every time I actually trust someone, I end up with a knife in my back, one way or the other. Walking alone not only makes you strong, it is the only way you are in control. Yes, it can be hard at times, but the benefits more than make up for it.

Most people walk alone, but don’t know it. They are alone in a sea of wolves in sheep’s clothing, who are waiting for any sign of weakness for one of them to exploit. These naive people believe they have many friends, but in reality, the are alone in a forest full of wolves, just salivating for that one opening to sink their teeth into the unsuspecting.

These unknowing souls believe that there is safety in numbers and that they are safe with friends. They don’t understand that it is safer to walk alone, away from the wolves and hyenas of this world, than to be comforted by the company of veiled predators, fools, and the apathetic.

The saying that there is strength in numbers forget to mention that this strength depends on the character and honor of those around you. Being surrounded by fools, liars, backstabbers, and people of low character is not strength; it is a liability.

I have always walked alone, with a few buddies here and there, but my circle is getting smaller and smaller, and I am getting stronger and stronger. I learn from every betrayal, every setback, and every encounter, growing stronger day by day. My blade grows sharper every day.

You will never be safe in the crowd until you learn to be strong on your own. Only then will you be able to confidently walk through the crowd, knowing deep in your spirit, that you can handle anything they throw at you. Warrior up!

Bohdi Sanders
author of the new book
BUSHIDO: The Way of the Warrior
and the #1 Bestsellers
Modern Bushido and Men of the Code