Old Wolf looking at Old Wolf - Bohdi Sanders
Keep your focus on what you are
becoming, not on where you are now.
Bohdi Sanders

I see way too many people who are completely focused on their problems and where they are in their life right now. It seems that worrying about their problems takes up much of their mental energy. The problem with this is that worrying never does anything positive for you. It doesn’t help you create a positive future; all it does is waste your time in the present.

What you focus your attention on, you attract into your life. If you are constantly focusing on your problems, you are attracting more problems into your life. Quit worrying about your problems! If you can do something about them, do it. If you can’t do anything about them, forget about them and move forward with your life.

Quit focusing on where you are now, and start focusing on who and what you want to be. Remember, what you focus your attention on, you attract. If you have a goal, keep that goal constantly in your mind. Think about it, dream about it, and plan how you will achieve it. The more you focus on it, the easier it becomes to achieve it.

Every successful martial artist has done this. Remember how motivated and excited you were when you started martial arts. It was all you thought about. You researched ways to improve. You read books. You practiced constantly. You couldn’t wait for the next training session. You were excited and you put tons of positive energy into your martial arts focus.

Those who maintained this kind of focus and excitement are the martial artists who continued and became successful. They are the ones who continued to their black belt and advanced ranks. But they couldn’t have done that if they were focused on how hard it was, how tired they were, how they just weren’t flexible enough, etc. They kept their focus on what they wanted to achieve, not on negative issues and problems.

No matter what it is that you want to do in life, you must keep your focus on what you want to become to be successful. Once you lose that excitement and your internal drive, you gradually start to lose interest, and eventually quit. You will never achieve anything extraordinary if you constantly focus on the negative.

Keep your focus on what you are becoming, not on where you are now. Maintain your excitement about what you are becoming. See yourself as what you want to be. Live it! Think about it and keep it in your mind. Before you know if, you will look back and you will be shocked at how far you how come.

You have the power to become whatever you want to be in this life, but it will not come to you just because you want it. You have to work for it; you have to focus on it, you have to make it happen. You have to keep pushing forward no matter what. Don’t settle for ordinary; be extraordinary!

Bohdi Sanders
author of BUSHIDO:
The Way of the Warrior