Dr. Bohdi Sanders Interviewed by Kelly S. Worden
on the ON THE EDGE radio show!
You never know where the conversation will go when you get Dr. Bohdi Sanders and Kelly S. Worden together!
Join us at 12:00 Noon PST on www.klay1180.com!
Kelly Worden’s “Rocking like no other” “ON THE EDGE” Radio Broadcast! “On the Edge” offers me an opportunity to meet and share information with a very diverse spectrum of individual’s who have created their own destiny; the Saturday May 5th guest is no different… Dr. Bohdi Sanders is a lifelong student of martial arts and wisdom literature; as a multiple award winning author of seven books,, his focus is on integrating universal wisdom, honor, and integrity into one’s personal life.
Join us at 12:00 Noon PST on www.klay1180.com!