Gold Dragon - Bohdi Sanders Quotes
Stop giving your power to other people.
When you are easily angered or offended,
you are easily manipulated.
Bohdi Sanders

It is very easy to allow the behavior or words of others to disrupt your inner peace. You get sucked into the passion of the moment and before you know it, that person has pushed every button you have, and you are ready to wring his neck. Then you place the blame on that person for making you angry, upset, frustrated, or stressed.

You must realize that no one can make you angry, upset, or offended. No one can make you argue with them or make you lose your inner peace. We all have the power to control our thoughts, although most people don’t use that power as much as they should. It is you who makes the decision to get angry, upset, or offended. You always have the power to disregard what the other person is doing or saying, and to prevent them upsetting your spirit.

Stop giving your power to other people. When you are easily angered or offended, you are easily manipulated. When you allow yourself to be manipulated by the words or actions of others, you are choosing to allow them to control your emotions and disrupt your inner peace at will. Why do that when you can easily make the choice to maintain control of your emotions and your inner peace?

Bohdi Sanders
excerpt from the
The Art of Inner Peace