Bohdi Sanders Quotes
Don’t allow the fear of death
to interfere with the joy of living.
Bohdi Sanders

Your time on this earth is short; use it wisely. Don’t allow the fear of death to interfere with the joy of living. Remind yourself what the great Scotsman, William Wallace stated, “Every man dies, but not every man really lives,” and start living your life to the fullest each and every day. Don’t seize the day; seize every minute of every day and bring each minute in line with how you want to live your life. Don’t fear death; live your life to the fullest while you are alive!

Make it a habit to remind yourself that you will not live forever and that you do not know how much time you have left on this planet. When you do that, you will appreciate the people and things in your life more. You will love your family more deeply, you will enjoy the things you have been blessed with more fully, and you will not forget to live your life to the fullest each and every day.

Bohdi Sanders
excerpt from the NEW BOOK
The Art of Inner Peace