Lion flipping the bird - Bohdi Sanders

A lot of people have the wrong idea about me, and
I have no desire to clear up their misconceptions.

Have you ever noticed that it is the people who have never met you, never spoken to you, and do not know you, who always seem to have the most to say about you. They will tell everyone who is willing to listen to them what a terrible person you are, even though they wouldn’t know you if they bumped into you on the street.

Gossips and liars have been around since the beginning of mankind, starting with Cain who lied about killing his brother. It seems to be a part of human nature, something that comes naturally to most people, and which must be overcome by developing a superior character.

Let the fools talk their talk, while you continue to walk your walk. You are not obliged to respond to their lies or to clear up the misconceptions that others may have of you. You don’t owe anyone any justifications concerning how you live your life, and you sure do not have any obligation to respond to their lies and gossip.

Let people think what they will; your responsibility is to live your life with honor, character, and integrity. Live your life, your way, and let others believe what they will. What others believe about you does not change who you are, and does not affect your life unless you allow it to.

Warrior up and stop letting every simpleton in this world affect your mind. Maintain your inner peace and outward calm no matter what anyone else is doing or saying. Never allow anyone or anything to disrupt your inner peace; just keep on improving your life day by day. It is the way of the warrior.

Bohdi Sanders
author of the #1 Bestseller
MODERN BUSHIDO: Living a Life of Excellence